
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

8.2 Km today

The fog cleared today, just re-read yesterday's post, what a miserable mood, must have been the full moon :-) Had a fantastic run this morning, just seemed to cruise along really nicely. Obviously getting fitter is a gradual process but some days I really feel like I have shifted up a gear and today was one of those days. This week I must concentrate on not going out so hard on the training runs though. I think as I get some more race experience I will be able to better gauge my optimum training pace. Met B & K for a coffee before they headed back to the Gold Coast, was a nice treat and had a good catch up. I think having baby brother and K away overseas for 3 years has tightened the family ties, I had such a good laugh this afternoon, just a shame they have decided to relocate up north. Oh well, makes for cheap holidays and no drama's finding accomodation for the Gold Coast half in July! Treated myself to some new running gear today, some gloves (anticpating winter) and a headband from Nike and some way cool 3/4 running pants from Adidas. I probably spend way too much money on this stuff, but why not, I only have me to worry about. I need to do some goal setting, I am thinking about setting goals for the 10Km and half marathon (full marathon goal is just to finish the damn thing!). Being a complete novice I don't know where to start. I will treat the Sri Chinmoy 10Km on the 26th as a benchmark and set my goals after that. I want to attack this race seriously now that I have a few fun runs under my belt. I really have no idea on a race strategy, I'll have to read up. It's all part of the fun though. I will never be great but I will certainly be the best I can possibly be.


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