
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

8 Km today - 16.1 Km for the week

Another cruisey 8Km this morning before work, still cannot believe I willingly get up at 5am so I can get to the city to run before work, kept to a nice sensible pace today. The early start does have some advantages, there has been a beautiful full moon and I love the sun coming up as I run, makes me feel very peaceful. Wore my new Adidas leggings, they are sooooo comfortable, will have to buy another pair, felt like a second skin. Had a laugh on the last leg back into the city up Collins St, was totally in another world day dreaming and I nearly ran straight through the Queens Baton Relay change over :-). That god I pulled up at the last moment, I would have been pounced on by swat teams and spirited away never to be seen again and then gone down in history on endless "blooper" tape replays as the idiot who ran through the baton relay! Bit of a party vibe in the city now that the Comm Games are upon us, so I got a bit carried away and bought a ticket to the Athletics. I get to see Asafa Powell in his 100m final, and Craig Mottram in the 5000m. Really feeling like a treat tonight so I might lash out on Fish and Chips, haven't had them since visiting baby sister in Qld last November, I think once every 4 months or so won't kill me. Anyway, weighed myself this morning, down to 60.4 Kg, pretty happy with that considering I am 172 Cm tall. and only .4 off the goal weight. Have dropped a Kilo in 2 weeks, I put it down to cutting out the Charity Choccie Freddo every afternoon (850 Kj) and the increase in weekly mileage. More Jana bashing in the paper today, this time Raelene Boyle getting stuck into her for pulling out of the QB Relay. I am the first to admit that I think the Jana is a bit nutty, but give the girl a break, I cringe when I think of all the silly things I said and did at her age, at least my muck ups aren't a matter for the public record. The girl owes us nothing, she just wants to get out there and be the best athlete she can be, could you imagine if she ran the QB relay, tweaked something and then didn't run well in her race, she would be crucified by the media. Mmmmm, now I think I will have flake and a potato cake............


Blogger Em said...

trixta is my cat's nickname (short for Asterix), considering he sits on my lap while I am at the computer it seemed approriate :-)



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