
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Thursday, March 16, 2006

11.3 Km today - 27.4 Km for the week

2 Laps around The Tan today, am on track for a 60+ Km week, my biggest yet. Have decided to give the Puffing Billy Race a miss in favour of the Mother's Day Classic the week after. I am entering the 8 Km this year so I will start doing 2 laps of The Tan a couple of days a week, I really need to conquer Anderson Street. N will do the classic with me again this year, but she will be doing the 4 Km, then off for a pancake breakkie afterwards! Quite weary today, getting to the end of the week. There was a birthday in the office (which meant cake) and then a going away lunch at the Pub, which meant Pasta for lunch because that's all a vego can get. I don't usually eat a high carb lunch, it makes me all sleepy in the afternoon. I have to stop comparing myself to other runners. I will be out there feeling good about myself and a super fit, super lean chicky will fly past me, her training pace being my race pace!!!!! Oh dear must remember have only been seriously running for about 3 months now, can't expect miracles.


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