
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Sunday, July 23, 2006

5Km with the Pancake People

First of all, yesterday. I headed down to Jells Park to watch the AV X-C, women's 8km and men's 12Km. It was a lovely day and I really enjoyed the atmosphere, I'd forgotten how much I missed the team camaraderie since leaving baseball. How many sports can you participate in alongside elite athletes, I mean, I got to see Mona run!!!! It pretty much sold me on club running, so I'll be signing up next year. Today's schedule was for a 5Km race at Princess Park with the Sri Chinmoy race team, as usual a fantastic well run event from the Pancake People. I discovered that my footpod had a flat battery, well, I had been meaning to start getting a feel for pacing myself without it so now was a good a time as any :-) Off I went with the gun, with pretty even splits of 4:33, 4:33, 4:40, then missed the 4Km mark so the last 2Kms were 9:08. I am pretty sure the last 1km was a quick one, I flew to the finish line. All up I think it was 22:36, but will wait for official results. It was a PB by over 1 minute (last one taken from last half of the willi 10km, 23:41). Imagine my surprise when I finished and was told I was the second female in :!: . Not getting too excited as I am sure it was a very small field, hey if there were only 3 chicks then I came 2nd last. Still, happy to get my first medal that is not an "everyone gets a prize" medal. Even happier to have a new PB and to have run such even splits. Then I waited for Beki to come through and ran her last 5Km with her. She was struggling with a bung leg and I wasn't there to push her, just to make sure she did not DNF because I knew she would be angry with herself later if she did. I was very impressed with her kick at the end, despite how she was feeling. We then proceeded to eat pancakes and cheer all the others through as they were all doing the longer events. Special mention to the always unstoppable Michelle putting on 31.1 km today, I really wanted to join her for her last lap but I was pushing my luck with time and had to get home and get on with things. So I finally feel like I have my legs back and will look forward to some proper Kms in the coming week and solid long run next Sunday.


Blogger Sekhmet said...

Congratulations on a really fantastic run today Em - I was really chuffed to see you get a medal :-)

Thanks again for the company


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great effort Em, a PB and 2nd placing, not a bad days work.

Now, go and buy some batteries.


Blogger beakus said...

CONGTRATULATIONS!! That is fantastic! :o) superb time and sounds like you had a really good race. Just sorry I wasn't there... can't risk the aggro to the knee at the moment :o(

Great result Em :oD 2nd place and seeing Mona run, all in one weekend... got to be good.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So .... just another easy day at the 'office' ..... lol

Really, well done on your run today Em ... now get back to training ....

Take care

Eat Em


Blogger Vicky said...

Great stuff Em, so pleased for you! A great time for a 5km and a medal to boot! All well deserved of course... and so good of you to be there for Beki AND do another 5km!

Have never actually raced the 5km distance myself, but theres a fun series starting up again soon on a Monday night that is quite local to me, so I'm hoping to give them a go...


Blogger Chris said...


I'd start looking for a manager, as you will surely be getting lots of dollars thrown at you to join an AV club! I know you like the look of yourself in green, but I'd say just go to the highest bidder!

Great effort yesterday!


Blogger Peahen said...

Congrats Em, what an amazing time. I am in total Awe of you.


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