
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Friday, July 14, 2006

Just not myself yet

10 km today at about 5:40. Ran up along the Yarra to Mac Robertsons Bridge, crossed over then back to Fed Square along the opposite bike path. I was absolutely determined to run 10 Km today, it is really frustrating me that I am not ticking over as smoothly as I am used to. Someone said to me this week that I needed to respect the distance of the half marathon and take it easy. Very wise words as it is taking me longer to recover than I had hoped. So, plans to jump back into 6 day weeks have been shelved, I will have to take a rest day tomorrow. I was hoping for a 20 Km long run on Sunday, but I may try for 15 and see how I go. Also I am not sure if I can give my all to a 10 Km race on Sunday week, I will see how I am feeling through next week and may just make up my mind on the day. It could turn out that a quick 5Km is a better option. The terribly grey and cold weather isn't helping either. I actually ran with music today, I needed the extra motivation so I made do with the radio in an old mobile phone. Ughhh, hope the legs get back to normal soon. On a brighter note I bought myself a new toy today. A got a Macbook, for the uninitiated that is a Mac Lap Top, the new one with the duo core processor. Very excited, just have to wait out the "up to 14 days" it may take to be delivered, got it thu a discount scheme at work which is an added bonus. This means I can say good by to Mr Gates and the crappy virus ridden lap top I am using now. And it's all MINE, my first computer all to myself.


Blogger beakus said...

Welcone to Macland! They are great! We have an ageing iMac with G3 and are saving our pennies for the latest model (G5 I think, and can't wait!). So much more efficient than a PC, but sadly the whole world still uses PC's so have to be aware of the Mac to PC conversion problems. Macs are so good that's there is never a PC to Mac problem :o/

My tip? Use Safari rather than IE - IE robs you of all blog formatting, and I've only just discovered that Safari doesn't *roll eyes*

Enjoy it when it arrives! :oD

As for the running, I am sure you'll be tonking along before you know it Em - you did a long, hard race, hope you feel more like your normal speedy self soon. Even though I think 5:40 is pretty bloody speedy myself :o)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you've got post (half) marathon blues. I think it happens to everyone.

Just take it easy. It's easy for me to say and yet I don't take my own advice and I'm paying for it now......


Blogger Sekhmet said...

Yay! Gotta love new toys!!!! Even more forum time for Em ;-) LOL


Blogger Clarkey said...

Em, now is the time to re-find the enjoyment. Forget the pace and feeling etc, that will come back. After the GOR I felt OK but severely doubted if I had race leg speed. Then before I knew it, I had paced TB to sub 20m 5km. After that no more hang-ups. Definitely a mindset / confidence thing.
You'll get there in no time.


Blogger Vicky said...

Totally agree with Clarkey and Steve. Normal to be feeling this way and it will soon pass if you forget about plans, distances and speeds for a (short) while and just go out to run for enjoyment, as, how and where you see fit. Do it because you feel like it, not because you feel you have to - you're not going to lose your fitness overnight!! MAR.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.



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