
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Monday, July 24, 2006

My new Toy!

Oh joy, oh bliss, my beautiful shiny white smooth curvy and generally fabulous new Macbook lap top was delivered today, so naturally I have spent all evening exploring all the new features and converting my brain from PC to Mac. Funny thing though blogger does not have all the features available. Mac host their own free blog site and it looks pretty feature packed so I may convert when I have had a chance to have a proper look. It has bluetooth so I have finally been able to get the photo's out of my mobile phone. For example here is a very dodgy pic I took at the Commonwealth Games, if you look closely you will see Craig Mottram in there somewhere ;-) Now, I have decided to change my training week around so I can have Saturday's off to get more time out of my weekend so I headed out for a run afterwork today. The plan was for an easy 8Km recovery run, well the pace was easy, about 5:20, but I underestimated the "mental map" and ended up with close to 10Kms (9.8 Km to be exact), oh well. I have also decided to be less "slavish" about a training plan, I have learned alot from the first half of the year and have a fair idea of what I should be doing, so I will just map it out at the start of each week. So for anyone who is interested here is this weeks plan. Mon - 8Km recovery Tue - AM 6Km easy PM Speed work Wed - 10 Km easy Thurs - 13 Km with warm up/cool down and 9Km tempo Fri - 13 Km easy Sat - Rest Sun - Long Run about 20Km (plan to run for 2 hours)


Blogger Unknown said...

I was trying to visit your blog yesterday and it wouldn't come up! Now I know why after reading your entry and I sighed with relief. I love reading your blog and can't imagine not catching up on where you are at :).


Blogger beakus said...

Yay for Macdom Em! Regarding the blogger problem, have you tried using Safari rather than Internet Explorer? On my iMac I can't get all the features if I use IE for some reason, yet if you use the Mac browser it works just fine :o)

May be worth a try if you haven't already... :oD


Blogger Kaddy said...

WICKED!!! i been wanting to convert to mac for AGES - they say once you go mac you never go back! :) thanks for taking the time to post a reply re: my shoulder problem!


Blogger Kaddy said...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!



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