
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Sunday, May 21, 2006

The dog is off the leash

Training Plan - 23 Km at 6:00 Actual - 23 Km at 5:45 Weekly Total - 73 Km Days to GC Half - 42 Long Slow run today, 23 Km in 02:12:28. I was talking about pushing up to 27Km today but wiser heads have counseled that I should save training runs of those distances for after July when I start training for a full marathon, so 23 Km it was. A harder training week with some tempo running and speedwork, pleased to say though that the legs feel fine today. Tough week for me, generally I manage to keep the black dog on the leash, but he just wanted to get off and play this week. This weekend I am too tired to keep fighting him, so I think I will just sit around today in a self indulgent malaise. Normal transmission will surely resume tomorrow.


Blogger Stu Mac said...

Well done!! Well done on the run and well done on holding back the distance.

As you have probably guessed over time, I don't understand the need for people who are training for a HM or 10k races to be running so far, so I am very happy to hear that a wise old head has got into your ear!!

With a light (on distance) and sharper (some faster stuff) week, I will be very interested to see how fast on Sunday!




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