
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Saturday, May 13, 2006

The day before

Training Plan - 11 km at 6:00 Actual - 11 km at 5:40 Weekly Total - 57.3 Km Days to GC Half - 50 As I said at the start of the week I was not going to bother with a taper prior to the Mother's Day Classic tomorrow, so I headed out for my scheduled 11 Km run this morning. A very pleasant 11Km along the Koonung Trail. The training plan had me on a lower mileage week anyhow, so no need to cram in a long run this morning. I went back to 2XU today and bought another crop top because I loved the one I picked up last week so much and I had a $10 off voucher. I run 6 days a week so I prefer to have 2 tops otherwise I will be endlessly handwashing. The guy behind the counter said to me "you know this is more of a Tri top", as opposed to what?? Do tri-athletes not run too? Perhaps I should have been insulted, do I not look fit enough to be a Tri-Athlete? Not sure why he said it really, seemed like a strange comment to make. Bought a book today that I had been trying to get ahold of, "The Death of Innocents" by Sister Helen Prejean, the same woman who wrote Dead Man Walking. She followed the trial, conviction and subsequent carrying out of the death penalty of 2 men she firmly believed to be innocent. The book contains suppressed evidence that was not submitted to the juries and also considers the implications of race and socio-economic background of those on death row in the United States. I don't want to turn this into a forum for my political beliefs but I will say that I am a passionate opponent of the death penalty. Enough of the heavy stuff. Really looking forward to the 8Km race tomorrow, should be a fun morning with my best buddy and alot of the Ausrun girls turning out. EDIT For anyone out there who has me pegged as a bit of a goody two shoes in the eating department, this one's for you. This afternoon under the nefarious veil of "carb loading" I have consumed one and a half muffin break muffins (apple, well, there is fruit in it). Also my cat Tin Tin is a weirdo, I just caught him trying to eat the spinach I left on the kitchen bench, I mean really, you think I could leave some spinach out without having a bloody cat try to eat it, almost as weird as Asterix (the other cat) and his cantaloupe eating ways, seriously he is mad for the stuff, i have to eat it standing up!

Tony, if you read this, Spinach is that green leafy stuff Popeye used to eat :-)


Blogger Unknown said...

Mmm my carb loading tonight went
something like this - very large bowl
of spaghetti with a little melted
cheese and some salt. A little later
about half a large packet of Doritos
and french onion dip with my son while
we watched the Melbourne Storm crush
the Cowboys and move to the top of the
NRL ladder! (just had to add that one




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