
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Friday, July 28, 2006

Floyd, Floyd, Floyd, don't let it be true

A nice 11Kms at 5:10 in reasonably good conditions today, a tad windy but nothing to complain about. Up to Mac Robertsons bridge then back up to Fed Square along the Yarra. I love the section on the way back where the path floats just above the river, almost feels like running on water. Now, Floyd Landis has supposedly tested positive to high levels of testosterone in a sample taken after his amazing "come back" ride in the 17th stage. I am not going to condem the man until all the facts are out, but needless to say I will be deeply disappointed if he turns out to be guilty. I really like the guy, I admire his determiniation and work ethic, after riding in Armstrongs shadow as a domestique for US Postal I was so pleased to see him come thru and win the tour. I know sports people are mere mortals like the rest of us, however I'll admit to having a few sporting heroes. I don't really care what they get up to in their personal lives (unless they commit a crime), but it breaks my heart when they turn to performance enhancing drugs, it is such a betrayal. Anyway, I am reserving my judgement, I am not one to jump on the bandwagon of hysteria, I just hope he is innocent. On a brighter note I read today that On The Road (Jack Kerouac) is going to be republished in it's orginal unedited format. Obviously not in a big rol of paper, which was apparenty 36 feet long, but apart from that just as it came out of Jack's head. For those not familiar with the book JK originally wrote the book on one continuos roll of paper, kind of an unbroken stream of conscious thing. Anyway, hope it's true, I'd like to read it as it was meant to be.


Blogger Spark Driver said...

I ran along those footbridges on Wednesday for the first time. Pretty cool!!


Blogger Jaykay said...

I have just finished reading one of Lance Armstrongs books, the one after he's had his treatment, and he talks a little bit about Floyd in that.

He also talks about how the French tried so hard to incriminate him and find something to pin on him, but couldn't. Great read if you haven't already done so.

Your last few posts sound like you're really back into your groove and enjoying all your running. It's so great to hear this.

Have a great weekend.


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