
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Rest Day Today

I have rearranged my training week so I can have Saturday's off so I can get more stuff done. So an ultra thrilling day of house work and chores, but it's gotta be done. Some lovely words of encouragement came my way today on the forum. A tad over whelming being that I have never been a particularly confident person, generally preferring to blend into the background, I have certainly been dragging kicking and screaming from my shell this year :-) Another case of post and delete here, I was rambling on a bit and getting no where. Anyway, I don't have any weird dark issues from my past, suffice to say that some people are just late bloomers in life and I am one of them. I am just having a ball running, training, meeting new people and finding out what I am capable of. Oh, found a great site today where you can get the HTML for song lyrics and pop them in your blog, I have Jeff Buckleys version of hallelujah streaming away in the sidebar at the moment, that song gets me every time.


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