
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


AM - 5.8 Km The Tan and along the Yarra, about 30 minutes. Lovely clear morning, ran into Mark and ran the straight section together. PM - HVT Speed Session. 600, 400, 200 by 3, 2 minute recovery and 4 minutes between sets. Started to concentrate on technique, felt the difference on the last set. A bit taxing tonight but probably due to poor nutrition today due to a busy day. Daily total about 11Km Had to sit in a presentation this afternoon, so boring I almost nodded off several times. Ended up occupying myself counting how many times the presenter said Actually or Actual. She clocked up 89 times in 14 minutes!!!!!!!!! Any wonder I nearly slipped into a coma. Next 2 days in conference and also a massage tomorrow, and gotta fit in my running. New car ready to collect on thursday (YAY), but gotta send the BF to pick it up because I can't get away. Starting to wonder about my training frequency and weekly mileage. Even from other runners I am getting comments like, "You run 6 days a week!", "You ran 75 Km last week!!!" I thought what I was doing was reasonable and normal, but starting to feel like I am over doing it, people are making me paranoid, I should stop listening to them. Take care everyone :-)


Blogger Sekhmet said...

I agree, listen to you body and not what other people are telling you. What works or doesn't work for them has no relevance to you. You have come so far in tip top form so what does that tell you???

I hate conferences and would rather chew my own knee caps off. Good luck! LOL ;-)


Blogger Stu Mac said...

Hey Em, whilst I do agree with Beki's comments to a degree, have you ever run your program under Tim's eyes???

Lots of personal experience and of course he has helped so many others with programs aiming at certain races...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know what you mean by boring afternoon conferences. I've been guilty of nodding off a few times (or nearly nodding off) What a great way to stay awake, counting words.......lol


Blogger Spark Driver said...

I'm currently on 5 days running per week. 1 cross training and 1 rest day.

I get the nodding off when I drive my last train of the day....


Blogger Vicky said...

Exciting news about the car Em, love it!

LOL about the boring presenter... hate that!

Don't be paranoid, just careful!
:-) You're doing great!



Blogger Peahen said...

Hey chicky, I don't think I am qualified to be giving any advise on how much & how often you are running. I will say that I have always found you to have a really good head on your shoulders and you seem to listen to your body and not push further than your body can handle.

I believe you are cautious enough not to expose yourself to a higher chance of injury and you know your limits.

I admire your disapline with your training, to someone who only runs 15-20km a week I look at most other runners weekly tally and am in awe.



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