
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Friday, August 11, 2006

My iPod has a personality disorder......

I went out for dinner last night and was too tired to blog when I got home. So here is the run down for the last 2 days of running - Thursday 8Km along the Yarra and around The Tan finished in 40:52, that's an avg 5:06 pace. It was supposed to be a tempo run but I ended up doing Fartlek instead. Splits 5:32, 5:06, 5:30 (inc Anderson St), 5:00, 4:54, 5:08, 4:54, 4:44 Friday 13Km along the Yarra Trail finished in 1:07 which is an avg 5:11 pace. Splits 5:22, 5:06, 5:12, 5:16, 5:11, 5:08, 5:19, 5:12, 5:40, 4:59, 5:00, 5:08, 4:45 Both runs were reasonably comfortable, on the P.R.E scale (perceived rate of exertion - see below) I'd say overall both runs were 5, when racing I would tend to 7 to 8. 1 - Rest 2 - Extremely low effort 3 - Low effort 4 - Very comfortable but noticeably working 5 - Comfortable but working 6 - Slightly uncomfortable, breathing regular 7 - Uncomfortable can talk but must stop talking to catch breath 8 - High effort, cannot talk 9 - Approaching extreme, difficult to breathe 10 - Extreme effort, cannot continue. So these last 2 weeks I am feeling particularly strong, a small part of me is doubting that there is something wrong with my Polar footpod and that the feedback I am getting is wrong. But these are the same paths I was running before the half marathon and looking over my training diary these same runs were at an average pace of 5:20 to 5:30. There were a handful of 5:15 pace runs in there but I recall they were more difficult than they are now. The improvement just seems a bit sudden that's all, then again I have been doing the speedwork for 5 weeks now so that must be having an influence as well. Also I have added more runs of greater than10Km in the weekly training. It's OK, I am not doubting myself, the new pace is just taking a bit of getting used to. I entered some old races times into my diary today, my first 8Km last September was done at a 5:44 pace and I remember working as hard as I could, so there you go with hard work comes improvement. Now, I am all turned around on this running with music thing, I love my iPod shuffle! Though a quick flick through the play list appears to reveal it was set up by someone with multiple personality disorder, the following people seem to have had a crack at loading the song list, The Bogan, The Goth, The Punk, The Indie Chick and The Rock Chick, as evidenced by the following selection I was treated to today - Chemical Brothers, The Bloodhound Gang, MGF, Dead Kennedys, Dallas Crane, Marilyn Manson, Guns N Roses, Ministry, Faithless and Survivor. Ok, lame attempt at hiding that last one, in a momentary lapse of sanity and good taste Eye of the Tiger has ended up in the play list. I forgot it was there and when it kicked in this afternoon I nearly pissed myself laughing, not an easy thing to do when you are running, the passing cyclist must have thought I was nuts :-) Speaking of cyclists they are still giving me odd sideways looks, I am starting to think that I am breaking some unwitten code about not running on the Yarra Trail, I mean it is a shared path way, they are making me paranoid.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you're due for a drug test.

It's a nice feeling knowing that we can run faster and yet the exertion seems less than when running slower months earlier.


Blogger R2B said...

Thats what training is all about!
Enjoy your success because you deserve it for your efforts!



Blogger RunDave said...

The cyclists are probably just perving. Sometimes I wonder about the wisdom of shared paths. It's definitely safer for the cyclists in terms of not getting hit by cars, but the paths are often so twisty and add in the runners, walkers, dogs, children etc and you can never get into a good rhythm.



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