
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Monday, August 07, 2006

Wired for sound

No, not the dodgy Cliff Richard song with the even dodgier roller skating video clip.......my iPod shuffle turned up today, pretty chuffed as I only ordered it on Friday! Now I have previously been opposed to running with music, I tend to be pretty happy with my own company. But now that half marathon training has started again in earnest I will be spending more and more time on my feet, generally on my own. Most of my weekly runs are between 10 to 13Km with plans for a mid-week mini long run of up to 15Km on Wednesdays. So to that end I have decided that a little musical company will be in order. I set up my running play list this evening and it is ready to go, I may publish some selected highlights but let me say it is a pretty eclectic mix with Dead Kennedy's, Tool, Ministry and The Prodigy sitting alongside Kylie, Robbie and the Scissor Sisters. Add to that my tendency to sing along (badly) and well, please don't laugh if you happen to run past me :-) Alrighty, what did I do today? Stuck to the plan, and 8Km recovery run. The battery in my footpod was dead but I have a tried and true 8Km route (actually 8.5Km but lets not split hairs) which I got around in about 43 minutes. Now, as I alluded I was not in the best of moods last week, I was being very negative and generally feeling sorry for myself. So I have had a stern chat with myself and have a few things to work on this week - * I will NOT compare myself to other people. I need only be concerned with myself, know that I work hard and should be proud of my achievements. * I will NOT weigh myself every day and allow the mood of the day to be determined by the number on the scales. * I will NOT stand in front of the mirror and criticise everything about me that I think is wrong.


Blogger Peahen said...

I am happy to run without musics aswell. I nagged hubby for an Ipod shuffle and actually prefer to run without it most times. When I do run with it I have it turned down pretty low.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must be getting old, I only recognised one artist (maybe two) from your list. I'll have to ask the kids who the others are.


Blogger Ruune said...

I got myself an ipod but only tend to use it on my long runs if at all. Mainly a safety/security issue with me - when running at night time prefer to be able to be aware of what's around me.


Blogger Spark Driver said...

I am still ipod -less but have been considering getting one.


Blogger Jaykay said...

Em, Em, Em....

Look at how far you have come with your running, your weight loss, and all the new friends you've made!

You're doing great Girl!


Blogger Jaykay said...

Oh yeah, gotta love running whilst singing all your favourite songs out loud.

I have a playlist of just singalong songs that I love for when I want that feel good feeling!!


Blogger Vicky said...

My sister had just got a Nano (gift from boyfriend) the last time she was over and was showing it off. She has a cool little arm holder for use during exercise. Made me really want one, even though I'd probably only get to use it on 1-2 runs per week. Have resisted racing out and buying one so far, but only cos I figure I should hold out for 'duty free' in a couple of months!



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