
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Sunday, August 06, 2006

The hills are alive with the sound of...........

Panting, feet sloshing through mud, more panting, "do we turn left or right?" and a good deal of swearing under my breath :-) Today's long run was in Sherbroke up in the Dandenongs, only 16Kms but a reasonably unforgiving 16Kms (and yes I turned the watch off for the couple of times I had to stop and walk, probably about 5 minutes in total). So this week has been all about the hills really, will be happy for a reasonably flat 20 to 22Km long run next Sunday. A stunning place to run though, and quite nostalgic because I have walked alot of the tracks we were running on throughout my childhood, I grew up in Montrose. Mum used to tell me that fairies lived in the forest there and that if I walked very quietly I might be lucky enough to spot them. A pretty quaint notion but let's face it, it was probably just her way of getting me to shut the hell up and stop asking questions for 5 minutes. I clocked up 67 Km this week (66Km) last week, I just wanted to keep the mileage pretty much the same these 2 weeks just to get the legs used to it again. But about 2 months out from the Melbourne half it is time to start building again. I am hoping to average about 70 to 80 Kms a week from here on. This is my plan for the coming week Mon - 8Km recovery pace (about 5:30) Tue - AM 6Km @ 5:10 - PM HVT session Tan seeded relay, probably only clock up 4Km Wed - 14Km @ about 5:20 to 5:30. I want to introduce a mid-week mini long run, I'll cap it at 15Km Thurs - 10Km Tempo session Fri - 10 Km easy session Sat - Rest Sun - 20 to 22 Km long run Total - 72 to 74 Km As for the other stuff, well I am working through it. I can be my own worse critic and I fell back into some bad habits this past week that just made me feel like a failure. A new week is dawning though, put it all behind me and start again. It could be worse, I could be Floyd Landis. I am so disappointed, I hate it when you support someone and it turns out they were not being honest. The man says he is innocent and knowing his background I still want to give him the benefit of the doubt (see I am more generous with others than I am with myself), but he evidence is pretty damning. I guess in his soul he is the only one who truly knows the truth.


Blogger Stu Mac said...

Em, that looks like a nice solid week backing up after 2 weeks of mid 60's. And I would probably suggest the seeded relay on the Tan will be more than 4k, warm up & cool down???? And I also guess that the Tan run will be race pace so that is to be taken into consideration!

Have a good one!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I assuming you didn't see any fairies today.


Blogger Clarkey said...

I think you may find you seek out some more long hilly runs in the future. My limited experience tells me they are far more beneficial than a long flat run. They seem to be kinder on the legs, as I never get soreness afterwards. The variation in gradient works different muscles and shares the workload.(thats my theory anyway...)


Blogger Spark Driver said...

I grew up in the Dandenongs and hated them at the time (no public transport, nothing to do).

I sure like running through them now as an adult.

I think I make too much noise to see any fairies?!?


Blogger Vicky said...

I know I've had an incredibly busy week when I haven't visited your blog for 7 days!! Just catching up and looks like plenty of solid training going on. Its a while since I've done hill reps (and will be a while before I do them again!) but I also find them a really good challenge and very beneficial. Keep it up and don't let the "bad thoughts days" get you down... We all have them.




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