
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Friday, October 27, 2006

Attack of the soy sauce fish

Well first up, thanks for all the suportive comments guys, very much appreciated. It was a hard post to write, I am an expert at lying to myself in the belief that if I don't admit my weakness it's not really there!

Today I didn't even bother bringing my gear to work, that way I wouldn't even be tempted. But let's face it, the weather sucked this afternoon so probably for the best. Though of course by the time I got home I was restless as anything so I jumped on our recumbent exercise bike, which thus far I had refused to go any where near! I managed half an hour before I was bored out of my skull, it just does not work you as hard. Rode for 13Km in 30 minutes, I did a hill seat, climbed a hill and rode down the otherside, heart rate barely nudged 60% for most of it, still, it took the edge off.

Now here is the rub, mojo very much present and making itself known, like a hyper kid on too much red cordial it is constantly jumping up and down in the back of my mind "come on, let's go, get into it, get moving come on come on!!!!". Unfortunately the legs not quite so willing to come to the party and this is the root of my frustration, I have not lost my drive, just can't get the damn body to co-operate. Therefore I stubbornly kept plugging away in the hope that the body will just comply. This resulted in me just cracking it with myself yesterday and wallowing in a mire of self pity. Anyway, will cut back to 5 days a week for the next 3 weeks, keep long runs under 90 minutes and probably keep weekly mileage around 55 to 60 Km a week and most importantly without freaking out about not "doing enough". Also will try not to stress about gaining weight which means no jumping on the scales and adjusting the eating to accomodate lower mileage for a few weeks.

I'll still do the 6Km run in Coburg on Sunday, today's extra rest should see me feeling pretty fresh by then, not pinning too much on it though, but would like to finish in around 27:30.

For the last couple of months I keep noticing these little red plastic things on the ground in the city. I'll forget about them, then looking down there they are again. Mostly I don't give them a second thought, then I get obesesed, what the hell are these things, they are everywhere, I am laying awake in bed trying to figure it out. Then a few days ago I am enjoying some salmon sushi for lunch and there you have it, the little red screw cap in the soy sauce fish!!! Mystery solved. Now come on people, do the right thing, throw your little red plastic cap in the bin with the other stuff, not on the ground.


Blogger Sekhmet said...

LOL :-) Yep, I'm sure that sort of thing would be keeping me awake at night too, thank god you worked it out before we had you committed!



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