
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Monday, October 23, 2006

I feel the earth move under my feet

The sort of afternoon that would move me to stand on top of a hill somewhere and burst into song, not withstanding the fact that I have a worse singing voice than Jordan pre auto tune (alright, the link won't freakin work, type in Jordan whole new world into the You tube search engine and if you want your ears to bleed choose the pre auto tune version, if there are young kids in the room I suggest you make sure they leave). I had a perfect easy breazy run, just cruising around the tan and along the yarra, listening to my shuffle, concentrating on stride and form and just loving being out there.

The cold hard facts - 10Km, 51:48, average pace 5:10.

Still working on my mental fitness, today's tip Think about all the times in the past when you couldn't quite believe that your present level of fitness and running would eventually be possible. Use those instances as reference points to remind yourself that your present limited beliefs are no different than those you had in your past; those changed and so will these. Trust.....and believe it. Point in fact there is an old post from me on the Ausrun forum asking for advice on getting my long runs up over 12Km and lamenting whether or not I would be capabale of completing the Run for the Kids 14.7Km last April. Now I did finish the run in 75 minutes and will be back again next April hoping to finish in around 70 minutes.

Is anyone else desperate for a return to the traditional 12 days of Christmas, instead of the insane 85 bloody days of Christmas we now have to endure??? Can you believe that the Xmas tree has gone up in the City Square already!!!! MADNESS I tell you! And they have decorations and crap in David Jones already. I am afraid I am not one of those full of the joy of Xmas people, it is all I can handle in Decemeber, please don't inflict it on me in October. In my family we are all grown up now so we do Kris Kringle to save the buying a gift for everyone stupidity. For the last couple of years I have instructed my KK to buy something from the World Vision smiles catalog in my name. It's quite a cool idea, they have items varying from $25 to over $1000 that provide things like pens and rulers for school kids, a hen and rooster, goats, pigs, vaccinations, blankets, seed, emergency kits for natural disasters etc. You can get something similar from the Oxfam shop, you buy a "card" varying in price from about $25 upwards and the card will have a picture of the item and something like, "A bicycle has been purchased in your name for........". The way I see it I am an adult, I earn a good living and if I need something I'll buy it, I don't need a gift.


Blogger Chris said...

I so tune out of the Christmas stuff until much later. I wonder if that is having an effect on my feelings for Christmas when it actually arrives....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can take or leave Christmas really. I'm not that impressed with the religious side of things and I'm not excited by presents and trees and santa and things....

This year we have a new baby, so, despite the fact he's too young to care, it does seem a bit different for us.



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