
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Comfort Zone here, Me, waaaaaay over there!

Tonights session was as follows, 1x800 mtre, 5x400 mtre with 2 minute recovery (5 minute recovery before last set). Splits as follows:
800 mtre - 3:22 (better than last weeks 3:29)
Now before the 400 mtre sets started I was asked to try and stick to the back of the leaders of our particular group and challenge myself, gulp, OK
1st - 90
2nd - 91
3rd - 91
4th - 98 (alright, it was taking it's toll)
5th - 93
Someone asked me how I felt after the first 3 sets, well, am I supposed to feel like throwing up?? I will get better at this, just another bridge to cross that's all, damn hard though, sprinting (yes, those times are sprinting for me, don't mock) is not my forte, but hey, I love a challenge :-) I really concentrated on how it felt and what my body was doing tonight, I start off well, but the form drops as I fatigue and I become quite tense. So the goal for next week is to try to relax into it and hold my form throughout. In summary, it hurt, I was challenged and I am pretty pleased with the set.

For my northern hemisphere bretheren today is Samhain (pronounced sowen). For the Celts it was not even a remotely sinister affair, it marked the end of Summer and the beginning of Autumn, in essence it is the Harvest Festival. There would be 3 days of celebrations and feasting, a place would be set for the dead and tales about the ancestors would be told and animals would be slaughtered for the winter. Halloween on the otherhand is the secular derivation of the Christian celebration of All Hallows Eve and All Souls Day.

Thus ends the incredibly brief history lesson for today.


Blogger Ewen said...

90s are good Em - 3:45/km pace. Maintaining good form throughout is a great goal (rather than trying to hit times by desperate 'sprinting'). Good form will help you to run faster in a race with less effort.


Blogger Boston said...

It's the Day of the Dead...!
Dia de los Muertos! I grew up flying kites.

Happy all souls day, Em!


Blogger Spark Driver said...

I always feel terribly uncoordinated when I sprint.

Legs going 100km/h and it feels like I am going no where.


Blogger Sekhmet said...

Always makes me laugh that they celebrate halloween in October here when it should be Beltane :-)

Anyway, happy Beltane!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As the others have mentioned there's nothing wrong with those 90's.

I read somewhere else, "it's running, it's suppose to hurt".


Blogger beakus said...

Thanks for the history lesson! Harvest festival... that brings back memories of being at primary school, filling up one of those blue and white cardboard mushroom boxes with a handle with tins and biscuits to be handed out to the elderly.

I really, really, don't know how you do that speedwork. I would just think "tired, tired, tired..." and probably ease off. Looks like an amazing session to me Em.




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