
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Monday, October 30, 2006

Time to start running smarter

Recovery Run
10Km in 56:02, average pace 5:35. Felt very comfortable and was breathing easy and relaxed, I may start wearing the HRM again for these runs.

Well, after last weeks mini melt down I have had a good think about things. I believe one of my issues is that I have been undisciplined in my training, instead of doing my recovery runs at the appropriate pace I have become stupidly competitive within myself, that is, I ran this course in X time last week, so this week I have to do better. As a result I have pretty much been doing speedwork on Tuesday nights, tempo runs the rest of the time and a long run on Sundays. So the new schedule starting from today is as follows:
Monday - Recovery Run between 8 and 12 Km at 5:30
Tuesday - Speed work (thanks ewen!)
Wednesday - Midweek long run between 12 and 16 Km between 5:15 and 5:30
Thursday - Temp session, 10Km including 30 minutes at 10Km pace
Friday - Recovery Run betwen 8 and 12 Km at 5:30
Saturday - Rest Day
Sunday - Long run, at this stage no more than 90 minutes, will start building these again next year

This will give me weekly totals between 65 and 80 Km, generally about 3 weeks on and 1 week slighty easier. This is pretty much thrown together from some books I have been reading lately and seems reasonable to me, happy to take any advice to the contrary. So my new mantra is to run the run that is scheduled for the day, pay heed to recovery runs which will allow be to give more to the faster sessions and to not let stooopid pride get in the way of running "slowly" when it is best to.

BIG Congrats to Vicky for her fantastic run in the Auckland (Half) Marathon on the weeked, top time of 94:50 and 9th in her category, I am incredibly impressed, well done chicky!

Today I saw a guy today wearing a brown suit with a yellow shirt, I guess he got dressed in the dark because the dude looked like a Crunchie!!

As I type this my cat, Asterix is tearing around the place, skidding all over the floor boards and messing up the rug because he is chasing a plastic ring thingie from a milk bottle, very easily amused :-)


Blogger Ewen said...

You should be OK with that schedule. The tempo session could suffer a bit if the Wednesday run is too hard. See how it goes. I take it 'Speed word' is not doing the crossword ;)

The HRM will help keep the easy days easy. One other idea is to not have set courses for easy runs so you don't compare them week to week. Maybe drive somewhere different to do the easy runs?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wasn't wearing a brown suit with yellow shirt, I was in my running gear. How could you forget me.


Blogger Boston said...

Laughter! I recently bought a brown suit... classic but stylish. No yellow shirt for me though.

You "undisciplined" about your training...?
Your new training regime sounds impressive to me. Shall keep an eye on it... Cheers!


Blogger Chris said...

Still a solid program you have there Em, but remember to keep mixing up your courses.


Blogger MorseyRuns said...

Mmmm Crunchie.....


Blogger Vicky said...

LOL about the Crunchie! Hope you didn't go up and bite him!

Good to hear you sounding positive and enthused again Em, look forward to hearing how it goes.

Thanks again for your kind words!




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