
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Shivered though 8.3Km in 43:07, average pace 5:10.

It was touch and go as I stared out the window all day today hoping for a break in the rain so I could get my run in. A big squally rain storm rolled in at about 3pm and by about 3:45 it was clear again, however as my desk faces the bay I could see the next round approaching. Anyway I bunked of at about 4pm, changed quickly, into the winter gear for the first time in ages and got into it. I was planning on 14Km but quickly modified this to a quick lap of the tan as I really didn't want to get caught out half way in if it started to rain knowing I still had to get back. As it was my last 2kms today were very cold, windy and wet. For those who don't live in Melbourne we have been hit by an unseasonable cold snap today, it even snowed in the Dandenongs near my mum's house

Scandinavia, pocket knives and junk mail
For some reason I have a burning desire to visit the Scandinavian Countries, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Finland, have I missed any? I don't even know that much about the region other than, Denmark has "our Mary", managed to piss of the Muslims big time and make a mean Feta, Norway gave us A-Ha (whom I loved) and the Nazi's built a heavy water plant there during WW2 so they could build Nuclear Weapons but it was blown up by a courageous group of Norwegians who then spent months on the run from the Nazis in winter living in incredibly difficult conditions, I believe they all survived, it is one of those great adventure stories, Sweden bought IKEA, the Swedish Chef and gravlax to the world (And ABBA of course), Iceland is responsible for the amazing Bjork and they have a 100% literacy rate and last but not least Finland, well I don't know much about Finland other than the capital is Helsinki and there is a cool Aussie band called for some reason, architecture in Helsinki and that they have been trodden on over the years by the Russians and the Germans and that a blogger mate's parents are from there (hiya Rice). And of course there is Greenland as well which despite its name is probably white alot of the time, ha ha . Also I definitely want to see the Northern Lights at least once before I die. I obviously have alot of planning to do and it is an expensive part of the world to visit, I'll have to save my pennies and hopefully head over there before I turn 40.

It's been a week since my stupid accident, the thumb is still bound up and is smarting after getting a knock this afternoon and well, stands out like a sore thumb. This is the offending article, it's OK I cleaned the blood off LOL.........

Now to a bit of a rant. I am one of those people with a no junk mail sign on my letter box, I hate the stuff. So why is it that 99% of the time my desire not to have pointless advertising crammed in my letter box is respected, but when election time comes around, forget about it. I have been inundated by all the parties flyers, if they are so stupid that they can't read what makes them think I am going to vote for them. I can't stand the bitching back biting adds and sound bites on the news, I certainly don't want to read about it. The day either party comes up with a policy or argument that is not simply "why the other lot are crap" will be when I start paying attention. Alright rant over. PS - a friend just pointed out to me that these leaflets are exempt from the No Junk Mail directive, so my sincere apologies to the leaflet droppers, didn't mean to call you stupid but if the mail is not adressed to me I don't want it in my letter box.


Blogger beakus said...

Well, I can say that Denmark is a wonderful place to visit. I spent quite a bit of time there as my PhD was sponsored by a Danish company so I had to go and work out there a few times. The language is hard, though it's easy to pick up the essentials :o)

The architecture is like gingerbread houses, the people are a friendly bunch and they love a tipple. Well, being the home of Carlsberg they would really.

My only advice? Don't believe the hype about the statue of the little mermaid. :oD

As for the leaflets - I'm not allowed to vote and get them, very annoying!


PS. When I get my arse in gear I will put up some piccies of Denmark for you :o)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I second the comment about Denmark! My mother is Danish and I follow the traditions and culture (especially Christmas!!). The Danes love their food - cheeses, herrings, black bread. In Denmark they have shops just filled with cheese - extrodinary thing to see. The smell is also quite extrodinary! As for the little mermaid, well it is *little* that's for sure! Enjoy the climate in Melbourne now - that's typical Scandanavian weather. Denmark is an island country and doesn't have the spectacular natural scenery of Norway or Finland. Hope you get to go on your trip! Highly recommend it!


Blogger Sekhmet said...

Perhaps one of those "Addressed Mail Only" stickers might do the job???


Blogger Vicky said...

Well, I just learnt many things about Scandinavia that I didn't know! All I can contribute is that I worked with a Finnish girl in the US and she was hilarious!
Never got to any of those places when I travelled round Europe, but like you, it definately appeals as somewhere to go in the future.

The weather sounds terrible and worse than ours for a change! Ours is not good, but not that bad either! Mind you its probably coming this way, seems to do that! Good on you for getting out there anyway Em.



Blogger Stu Mac said...

PS - a friend just pointed out to me that these leaflets are exempt from the No Junk Mail directive, so my sincere apologies to the leaflet droppers, didn't mean to call you stupid but if the mail is not adressed to me I don't want it in my letter box.

I totally agree with you Em, I drop them back in the Aust Post box, not addressed to me, so I do not want it! And yes it was bloody cold on Wed!!!



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