
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Sunday, November 12, 2006

18 Km in 1:40:00, average pace 5:33 (a better long run pace than last weeks 5:16). Great to catch up with the ESRG for a long run again. Thank goodness Michelle was there to keep me company because I didn't want to keep up with the boys today. I think my poor body is still trying to repair itself as a result of my recent stupidity (did I mention too much Champagne on Thursday aswell, I don't think I did) so the hoped for 19km ended up as 18km. As last week I only ran to time with the understanding that I would accept what the distance was when I stopped. There was a temptation to push on to 20km but it was a wet morning and the combination of a wet top against sunburned skin was not comfortable. Besides that it was a great morning for a run, sure it was wet and windy in parts but it was so warm. Next week I will push it out to 1:50:00.

I managed to clock up 62km this week, as I only ran 5 days. Barring and unforeseen circumstances or stupid accidents I should be back to 6 days again next week, then a 4km race the following Sunday.

Nick Cave is back doing his thing, now he has hooked up with 3 others and they are calling themselves Grinderman . They are Cave, Warren Ellis, Martyn Casey and Jim Sclavunos, just one song so far and in my totally biased opinion brilliant! Heaps rawer than Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds of the last couple of years, but I won't draw comparisons to The Birthday Party because not the same level of insane chaos. I am not one of those music freaks who can write with total authority, I just know what I love. You'll see from the My Space page (if you are interested) that they describe themselves as "Foul-mouthed, noisy, hairy, and damn well old enough to know better", LOL, going by the one song that is out Yep. Anyway, check it out if you are a Nick Cave fan, the whole song can be played on the site.

Here is a pic, Cave has been sporting this Mo for a while now, I reckon only he could truly get away with it ;-)


Blogger Ewen said...

Good temptation avoidance Em. 18k is a good long run.


Blogger Spark Driver said...

I look at your 18kms in envy. It has been a little while since I have run that distance and I think I am now keen to get back into it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kinda bizarre face-fuzz there. Funnily enough, "dodgy old porn star" and "wierd-arse gipsy dude" kinda work for those guys.


Blogger MorseyRuns said...

Em, how is the finger holding up- does it throb when you run? I took the side off my index finger about a year ago (slicing bread with new knife) and it still has no feeling!


Blogger Vicky said...

Good effort Em and well done on holding back and not being tempted to push on for more. Sounds stupid doesn't it - saying good on you for ONLY doing 18km!But you have a plan and its good that you stuck to it. You were more sensible than I was on Sat thats for sure, but somehow I could just tell that it would be OK...

Love the way you always find something interesting to write about - be it music, books, world events... or beating yourself up!

MAR. :-)



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