
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Round and Round we go

Tonights session was 4 by 800 mtres, which as one of the girls pointed out beats 8 by 400 mtres! Initially a less enjoyable session for me, but not so now that I use them as an opportunity to work on form and pacing. As usual I was making a bit of noise out there with my feet, particularly as I was thinking about pacing and forgot about form (and us chicks are supposed to be able to multi task). I used my last rep to try and pull it all together and get my feet up off the ground. I think I pulled it off, the girl who was running behind me said I looked better and the girl in front couldn't hear me. Best thing was although it was the last rep it was the fastest, here are the splits
1 - 3:31
2 - 3:34 (head wind)
3 - 3:31
4 - 3:26 (Yes!!)

Anyway, I know I keep banging on about trying to improve my form and run lighter on my feet but I'll get there, just have to keep persisting, *sigh*.

Mad, Bad and Tattooed
Yep, that is a tattoo on my arm, a little celtic knotwork triangle. Mum told me I would regret it, but it's been 11 years and I haven't yet. For those who don't have one, to answer your question, it hurts a little bit but not too much. The noise of the needle is far and away worse than how it feels, bit like the sound of the dentists drill. Lately I have been thinking about getting one on my shoulder, another celtic design but in blue, like Woad, providing they can get the colour right. Celtic wariors would often go into battle naked, hair spiked with lime and covered in Woad, those dudes were hardcore, could you imagine the sight!!

The best picture I can post to represent this is The Dying Gaul, I love it because it represents the beauty and strength of a Celtic Warrior, I hate it because it was commisioned to represent a victory over the Gauls who invaded Asia Minor in 239BC.


Blogger Spark Driver said...

I have a couple of tattoos from a mis-spent teenage years. My only regret now is that they are just a couple of cartoon pictures that don't mean anything.

Try a nipple piercing for pain...now that HURTS!



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