
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Friday, November 03, 2006

Confidence is back!


10Km in 49:37, average pace 4:58

And what a brilliant morning for a run, I drove to work, parked at Fed Square and was running by 6:30 (well, 6:28 to be precise). I could not have asked for more perfect conditions for running, 16 degrees (Nylex clock), not a breath of wind, plenty of sunshine and just a couple of lads staggering around after a night on the turps.

Now to the run, the plan was for 2Km warm up, 6Km at 10Km race pace and 2Km cool down. Started off perfectly with 5:23 and 5:24, then moved into 8Km of sub 5min Kms varying from 5 to 10Km race pace. I got carried away because I was just thrilled to be feeling good at that pace again. The fact is as well that my 10Km race pace has probably improved since I last raced that distance in May this year.

So here's the thing, I was experiencing a bit of a confidence crisis about racing after the HM because I was feeling so up and down. But this week has been the turn around and today's run was just magic, it left me feeling great all day. Obviously it was not easy, but I was comfortable with the pace and more important was just the pure enjoyment of the run. So I am ready to get back into some events again and have a few to choose from between now and Xmas. I am going to keep it pretty low key though, just train well, race well and hopefully get another 5Km PB.

Did you see the greenies on the news who hijacked the logging truck this morning? I saw some of the action on my drive in this morning as I turn up Punt Rd from Swan St to get to the Fed Sq carpark. Obviously something that is going to cause a fair bit of emotional reaction from both right and left. My stand, well no one was hurt and it got people to take notice. You know, we live in a country that affords us freedom of expression and the right to protest, a rare and precious gift that must be protected. To turn around and accuse them of being terrorists (that's what the logging company was saying) disgusts me. To draw comparisons between terrorists and protesters is reactionary and a contradiction. Logging of old growth forests is criminal and I will never be persuaded otherwise, especially as most of it ends up pulped. Come on, just think about it, a precious irreplaceable piece of our unique natural history GONE, just like that, water catchments devastated, species wiped out, all so people can have ultra soft 3 ply loo roll to wipe their precious behinds (yes, I buy recycled loo paper). I was in SE Tasmania a few years ago and driving around the Huon Valley watching endless logging trucks trundle out of the forest was to depressing for words. Some of the recently logged areas resembled scared wastelands with all these stumps of what were once massive, centuries old trees jutting out all over the place, it made me sick. Alright, enough of my rant I am not making much sense now. I am sure plenty of people will disagree with me but again, I don't have to agree with your opinion but I'll bloody well defend your right to have it and anyway this is my blog so there.


Blogger Sekhmet said...

I gotta agree with you on the logging issue Em, it's heartbreaking to see what they've done to so much of our forests. There really is no excuse for it

Great run this morning, I'm dreaming of even having a race with that time! I'm sure that the next 10k race you do will beat the pants off your PB and I can't wait to read about it....it is when exactly??? ;-)


Blogger Spark Driver said...

I really enjoy running around Melbourne. The Nylex clock is just one of my favourite things.


Blogger Stu Mac said...

It was a beautiful morning on Friday.

Is 7am too late for your Friday morning runs? You could join myself and Clarkey one morning if the time works for you?


Blogger Ewen said...

Sounds like a great run Em. I'd say on those 'feeling good' days, letting the legs go a bit is the natural way to run.



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