
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Friday, November 10, 2006

Still an Idiot

11 km in 58:14, average pace 5:18.

No running yesterday owing to the fact that I went to Oaks day, didn't get home until after 8 and after a day in high heels, running, I think not!

I was going to do 12 Km with some Fartlek today, Yes, there is a but coming. BUT, frankly my poor body is putting a bit of energy into healing itself at the moment, I have a wrecked thumb causing a bit of pain, a tender right arm caused by the tetanus injection and sunburn from yesterday. Yep, that's right, I am just a litany of self inflicted injury at the moment, with no one to blame but myself. The upshot being the 11Km I eked out today was enough without adding tempo work to the mix. You try pulling a tighter than tight crop top on over bad sunburn while trying to protect your right thumb and not shed a tear. I was close to not bothering but I wasn't skipping a run because of my own stupidity (I won't repeat what I said before when I took the crop top off again, not very ladylike).

Obviously feeling a bit sorry for myself right now. Got a bit wobbly today, I have never fainted in my life but today I was not too steady. Perhaps just a case of delayed shock from Wednesday night, everytime I think back on it I feel a bit sick.

Ughh, enough moaning I am starting to bore myself.

I got my Trance 5's in the mail today from the States, I only ordered them on Saturday, pretty impressive. The company was www.sierratradingpost.com not a specialist running supplier, more of a skiing and hiking gear supplier. I was just lucky that they had a very small range of running shoes that happened to include the Brooks.

There are some things that have happened lately that I really want to comment on but I can't type very well at the moment so I'll save them up for a less self pitying post in a couple of days.


Blogger Sekhmet said...

I'm feeling your pain Em - especially the getting on and off of the crop top. Those things are tricky to navigate at the best of times without adding sunburn and a sore thumb into the mix - ouch!


Blogger Spark Driver said...

From the girls I seen yesterday at Flinders St I imagine you are not the only one suffering from a "Spring Racing Carnival" sunburn today.


Blogger Sekhmet said...

Yeah, I forgot to mention in my post that only 20 mins out of the 50 was supposed to be at a hard pace, so IMHO fartlek was definately a good compromise :-)


Blogger Vicky said...

Oh dear Em, it just gets worse! What a case you are...

At least the weather at Oaks was obviously sunny!



Blogger Ewen said...

"Ouch, that hurt"?


Blogger Spark Driver said...

I drive on the Belgrave line to Blackburn frequently and all the way to Belgrave rarely. No Lilydales at the moment.

More of a chance catching me in the afternoons/evenings sitting on the 'Perch' at Flinders St concourse, fielding passenger inquiries.

Can you believe Connex management have told us not to sit there??



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