
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


13 Km in 1:08:03, average pace 5:13. Was aiming for 5:25 pace but ended up a tad faster.

My trip to the Emergency Room
Well the good news is some of my parcels arrived today, one pair of Brooks Trance 5 from Joggers World in SA and my massage stick. Also received confirmation e-mail that my other pair of Trace 5's have been shipped from the US. Now, in my stupid not thinking enthusiasm to open one of my parcels, The Stick, which was in a tube and the ends were held on with big staples I ended up cutting open the top of my thumb.

HOW, well, rather than using the nice blunt screw driver instrument on my Swiss Army Knife I instead choose the big fuck off knife bit, what else would you use to prise out a staple I ask you? So of course (and this all happened in slow motion) I am chatting away not watching what I am doing, BF is saying "ahh, I don't think that is a good idea" and yep, knife snaps shut, stopped only by the top of my thumb.

Well an idiot I may be, but at least I have grace under pressure. Run to the bathroom, dress the gash with a wound pad and bandage up tightly, then off to Emergency. Fortunately not too busy when I get there, just some nuff nuffs who had been in a fight and had swollen knuckles (BF just laughing and saying only people who don't know how to throw a punch break their knuckles, yes dear). The triage nurse put me ahead of the young brawlers, which pissed their mother off, but hey, I was bleeding, ALOT.

It was still a 2 hour wait as there were some ambulance arrivals in the meantime. Anyway, long story short, a nasty mess of my thumb because I cut clean through the nail on an angle, but no stitches, just patched up with surgical sticky tape and sent home with more to redress in a week (Ughhh, I am not going to enjoy that, maybe I will go visit the GP). I was given the choice of having the nail totally removed and then getting all stiched up, but gross, no thanks. I am used to wrecked toenails, I can handle a wrecked thumb nail, apparently it will grow back reasonably well. And I had to have a tetanus injection, I hate them, my arm always aches for days afterwards. There was a little girl who went in after me who had put her tooth through her bottom lip, poor munchkin, I did the same thing at about her age, I still have the scar.

Biggest bummer really is that it is Oaks Day tomorrow and it is my right thumb, how the hell am I going to wash, dry and straighten my hair???????

The Proof


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You silly bugger!


Blogger Rice said...

Sorry but LOLLOL!. You can buy, very small condoms, so they say.. That roll down over your finger.. That’s really what there made for.

And I have to say that it is not that often when I laugh out loud at the computer but the "yes dear" that really got me going.. That sounded like a conversation my wife and I would have had..




Blogger Sekhmet said...

Ouch! But I can understand your enthusiasm ;-)

Hey, I put my tooth through my lip when I was ickle too - I still have a scar just below my bottom lip :-)


Blogger R2B said...

Oiwwww! that sounds and looks sore!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Yes Dear" Gold.


Blogger Chris said...

Hopefully a few winners at Oaks Day made up for the thumb injury!


Blogger beakus said...

Oh Em! Sorry to hear about your mishap :o( I am the same with opening parcels :o)

"Yes dear"... classic!




Blogger Vicky said...

Read about your "mishap" on Ausrun the other night of course, but just getting the blog version now! Sounds awful - I hate bleeding and would have totally panicked...

Hope you enjoyed Oaks Day anyway and that it heals quickly. But have to say my sliced knuckly recently seemed to take bloody ages! This is when you realise you take being "able-bodied" for granted, even if it is just a finger! Showering becomes a mission!




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