
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Monday, November 06, 2006

A hill shared is a hill halved

Just a quick one tonight, just got back from dinner with my little brother who is in town for a couple of days, I am stuffed. Bless him and his no bullshit attitude, the first thing he said was "you look like a f#$king stick". Incidently he has gotten into the spirit of Movember as well was sporting a rather fetching Muskateer style.

Today's run was a recovery run, 10Km in 55:45, average pace 5:34. Really easy, I wore my HRM to keep me honest.

Saw Steve (to lazy to add the hyperlink tonite) at the bottom of Anderson Street, turns out that when you are having a good chat that it aint so bad afterall, I got up that damn hill much more easily than usual because I just wasn't giving it a second thought. And I noticed that my heart rate settled back down really quickly as well.


Blogger Rice said...

I despise hill training but I’m addicted to there after effects. Hills and tempo runs I find pay the most dividends for your training.




Blogger Unknown said...

I still haven't conquered that Anderson Street hill. It scares the crap out of me everytime I face it. One day...........:-)!


Blogger Vicky said...

Agree with Rice that those 2 things provide the most benefit and therefore best results.

And I think distraction is the name of the game when it comes to hills Em! Be that chatting with someone else, racing someone for fun (even if they don't know it!) or - when on your own - I find focusing on a point at the top and nothing else - not thinking about whats in between or what your legs/heart/lungs are having to do to get you there - works for me! I often try to just zone everything else out except that point at the top. Hills are hard work - but worth it! And I fair prefer them as resistance training than running into the wind!




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