
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

13 Km in 1:09:04, average pace 5:18. Beautiful sunny afternoon today, perfect running weather

For a recovery run about 15 seconds per Km faster than I would have liked, but still more disciplined than usual. After yesterday's session I was definitely in need of a recovery session today, I slept like a corpse last night, out like a light the second my head hit the pillow. This is my plan for the remainder of the week
Thur - 10 Km including 25 minutes at 10Km race pace (tempo session)
Fri - 12 Km recovery pace
Sat - Rest
Sun - Long run 90 minutes (probably about 17Km)
This will give a weekly total of about 70Km

Now here is the thing I noticed today as I was trying to keep the pace to 5:30. It is really quite difficult for me to run at that pace on my own. If I do my long runs with company I have no problem keeping the pace down, but when I am on my own it feels unco and weird. Please don't mistake this as "oh I can't run slow" arrogance, that isn't the case. People who know how I run know that I am not the lightest thing on 2 feet, I am a heel striker and therefore a bit of a clunker. Slowing the pace right down has a tendency to emphasise my clunkiness and make me feel awkward.

As I was running along the Yarra this afternoon someone honked their horn and gave me a wave, I have no idea who it was!

I have myself all set for Oaks Day, a week out for a change instead of running around the day before in a mad panic. Dress, shoes, handbag, headwear all sorted, now just have to pray for a nice sunny day because my dress is sleeveless and I don't want to be trying to find a jacket to go with it. Now if only I could put make up on without ending up looking like a drag queen, just have to make do with mascara and lip gloss, that is as glam as it gets for me.

I noticed yesterday that I have now done over 2500Km so far this year, I wonder if I will make 3000Km for the year?? Or will NYE see me running around the streets while fireworks go off trying to get an extra 5km in before the clock strikes midnight?


Blogger Chris said...

I am a horrible pacer as well Em, although I try to keep my training runs grouped into two categories - slow runs and tempo runs. I'm like you in that I am at my worst running solo, yet I run solo more often than not.


Blogger Spark Driver said...

What an interesting way to spend NYE?!?

Oaks Day is always a good day at work. You see all the ladies heading to the races dressed up and looking very nice. Then at the end of the day you see them heading home, hair all dishevealed, sunburnt and walking unsteadly carrying their shoes.

Have a great day and remember the sunscreen and comfortable shoes(not runners!).

P.S Thanks for your donation to Movember. Its very special to come from someone I haven't meet (yet).


Blogger Sekhmet said...

I would have described you as more of a "slapper" than a "clunker" ;-)

And I'll bet you will be racing around NYE trying to squeeze in the extra K's (along with the rest of us LOL)


Blogger Vicky said...

Em I can totally relate to your comment on feeling unco when running slower. I recall writing a post called "Make like a slug... and slither". Like you say, it wasn't about "running oh so slowly" it was that I just didn't feel comfortable at the slower pace, I felt like I was all over the place. In saying that, I think you do get used to it after a while. As you will know, the plan I just followed for the HM included quite a bit of "jogging" or easy paced running for recovery. I made myself do it most of the time, even though it was often tempting to go faster (steady pace). I was concerned that my "race pace" may suffer if my body got too used to "jogging". I did get used to the "style" of running at that pace after a while and I don't think my HM time suffered as a result... I think that if it allows you to do the "hard" sessions properly, then its worth perservering with it!




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