
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Premature senility

A classic case of I would forget my head if it wasn't screwed on today! I spent most of today really looking forward to my run this afternoon, finally that old feeling of anticipation was back. Then I get to the change room at work and realise that I forgot to pack my contact lenses and sports bra. Now the contacts I could have got by without, you don't need 20/20 to run and I am not THAT blind. But the sports bra is kind of necessary and the normal one I was wearing would be no good for running in. So a few unladylike utterances, back on with the street clothes and off to catch the train home.

I wanted 10Kms today with about 25 minutes at 10Km race pace and that just isn't possible near home, I can't face trekking around the streets around here just too tedious, so an unscheduled rest day it is then. I will still probably finish the week with about 60Km which is fine after last weeks 38K and the new me does not stress out about what can't be helped. Chances are I may need to head back to Melb Uni tomorrow arvo for my last round of testing so I'll get my run in tomorrow morning. This is for the study for the Physio Dept, it has been interesting but I am looking forward to not having to pee in a cup 6 days out of the month to conduct the ovulation test. A word of warning, if you are ever at my place and I make you a cup of tea in a Tim Tam mug............don't worry, I fully intend to chuck the mug out.

I ordered one of these nifty devices today

What is it? I hear you cry, a walking stick, a light saber, some sort of exotic sex toy, a mutant abacus? None of the above folks, it is The Stick, I searched high and low and finally found and Aussie distributor on the aptly named www.seemerun.com.au it is used to provide deep tissue massage to poor tortured runners muscles and I am hoping it will help keep the niggles at bay between my massages once every 3 weeks, I'll keep you posted.

Now a big apology to JH for being so terribly anal and pulling him up on a misquote, I can be such a pain in the arse sometimes, still, he took it well ;-)

I was shitty when I started posting and was going to let fly, but have thought better of it, I am a loyal soul and this is not a forum for my bitching and moaning about home life. Needless to say there was something I wanted to do tonight, domestic unbalance ensued and I ended up staying home. Shame because I was looking forward to watching some quality middle distance running, next time for sure, an agreement was reached and a state of detente prevails.

Feeling charitable, well this month is Movember, a great cause to raise money for men's health charities, which frankly probably don't get the attention they deserve. So if you haven't visited him already get over to Spark Drivers Blog and check it out, you can also find a link to make a donation of you want to. Come on, you never know, science may only need an extra $2 to come up with a test for prostate cancer than does not involve, rubber glove, squirt squirt, try to imagine a happy place.......


Blogger Chris said...

Nothing worse than having a planned run cancelled because of our own mistakes.

Oh well, an extra rest isn't going to hurt.

PS - Tuesday after cup day myself and a friend are heading down to HVT. Please can you and Tim take it easy on us.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Things get in the way of best laid plans sometimes.

Can't grow a mo for work reasons but I can tell the guys to get to their doctors for a regular (every 2 years) check up - I have for a number of years now and I can't understand why guys are so stubborn about this .... !!!

Take care



Blogger Vicky said...

LOL - you can always make me laugh Em!

I know how you feel re being all prepared to run but missing vital gear - at least it wasn't something quite so obvious as running shoes - like when I was staying with my sister! Wanted to kick myself - in fact I think I did!

Movember is happening here too, several of the male teachers at Courtney's school are participating so we sponsored them at the Carnival on the weekend! Great idea.



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