
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Weather marginally better, just

14km in 1:13:00, average pace 5:12.

Isn't it funny that some days you start out thinking that if you manage a run it's going to be shit, but then you end up having a great run. Yep, it's that T.O.M again (sorry boys) and for most of the day I struggled with pretty bad cramps in my back (no nurofen because it makes me sleepy, bit tricky when at work), yet somehow I always manage to keep the idea of doing my run in my mind, even though the couch and a hottie (water bottle) seems like a far more enticing option.

By the time 4pm rolled around I was feeling OKish and just decided to head out, see how I felt at the magic 3km mark and decide on the plan from there. Well, as you will see from the first line things were looking good at 3km. At this point I seemed convinced that it wasn't going to rain, even though it was only about 11 degrees and windy, despite this I was feeling good so I continued on my loop up the Yarra, over Mac Robertson's bridge then back along the Yarra and up to the office.

It was pretty satisfying to get a good run done today, especially after yesterday's cold miserable 8km slog. It also helped lift the general malaise, I know that if I had have come straight home I would have been sorry.

Today I read a review of "Born on a Blue Day", the book written by the guy with Asberger's. The reviewer described the style as "Infantile and Alienating" which frankly is ignorant and uninformed. Daniel could certainly have taken the option of having his book ghostwritten, however he took the honest and brave approach of writing it himself. To someone who is not sympathetic to Asbergers the style may seem very unemotional and lacking in depth, I'll concede that. But to me it was very indicative of someone with Asbergers and I could feel myself relating very easily to his experiences and it helped me understand my brother a little better. The reviewers comments are just a perfect example of why people who do not fit the mould in our society end up feeling marginalised.

I had a bit of a comfort food freak out today, after my Weet-Bix I had some fat slices of raisin toast with butter, and I also had a Kit Kat for afternoon tea, but dinner was just a couple of pieces of corn from Nando's because I wasn't feeling hungry tonight. I am not admonishing myself though, especially considering what I call a "freak out" is probably a normal day for most people. And guess what, I really enjoyed that Kit Kat :-)


Blogger Jaykay said...

What you ate today Em is probably not even half of what my normal intake of food is....and of course with my lack of running at the moment, what goes through the lips lands on the hips!!

And good on you again for getting out in that crappy weather.



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