
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Yikes, 4 days to go

My Polar watch has been set to count down, when I first added the date it said "95 days to GC Half", now it says "4 Days to GC Half", YIKES. Went down to the same bike path today, but headed off in the opposite direction towards Surfers Paradise, turned out it went longer than I thought so I decided to do 4Kms out and 4Kms back for another easy 8Km (43 minutes today). Well, about 3.5 Kms in and what did I happen accross? Only the start line for the Marathon/Half Marathon, phew, didn't that just bring on a whole new bout of nerves :-) Feeling a bit better today. The head has cleared up considerably, worringly a bit of a cheasty thing started yesterday but that seems to have gone away, that was my biggest concern as it would seriously interfere with my breathing. I finished today's run feeling better than yeasterday and did not feel physically sick afterwards. So same plan this afternoon, just had a great healthy lunch, lot's of juice as well and then nore reading on the sunny balcony. The weather is a perfect clear 22 degrees at the moment. Running this morning at about 7:45 felt quite warm and I thought I may have to just wear the crop top on race day. But remembered that by 8:30 my race should be over (6:30 start) so I should be OK with my sleeveless tank top, don't really fancy running in the crop, not that much of an exhibitionist. Went to Harbour Town today, confirmed my ongoing curse that I am destined never to get my preferred running shoes for a bargain. Nike did was not selling any Zoom elites, though I did pick up another pair of my favourite race shorts (aptly named "Race Day Shorts") for $25, and 4 pairs of Dri-Fit socks for $4 each instead of the usual $14. There was another shop selling Saucony's so I thought, cool, at least I can get a new pair of Omni's, my training shoe. But no, was not to be, every style except the damn Omni's. Flirted with the idea of getting a pair of Grid Hurricanes ($129) instead but decided against it, I am really paranoid about doing myself some damage with the wrong shoe, also they are heavier than the Omni's. So off to the Adidas outlet, they had Adistar Controls for $130, normally $240. I have worn Supernova Controls before and was very happy with them, the Adistars are a souped up version, they have more heel support and are lighter, which is a bonus for a stability shoe as they are always quite clunky. I tried them on and the felt great, I was confident, having worn the Supernova's that they would be fine. Only problem was the tounge, it poked right into the front of my ankle and was quite rigid, I just knew that it would end up chafing me quite badly. So, bummer, I really need new training shoes, my Sacony's have put in 700 Kms and will need to be rotated very soon as I am starting to get some niggles running in them. I guess it is back the Active Feet to pay full price, can't say I didn't try. Then again I have bought 2 pairs from AF already this year, I think I may be in line for a $50 discount this time around. Baby brother asked what I wanted him to bake me on Sunday, I was thinking Hummingbird Cake but we eventually settled on Sticky Date Pudding, YUUUUUUUUMMMMMM!!!!!!!! He also made the most wonderful veggie curry last night, the advantage of having a trained chef in the family, even though he only saves his magic for us now as he is no longer working as a chef. I have graciously allowed them to have snags tonight :-) so it will be last nights curry again for me tonight, though I have been assured it tastes even better then next day, no complaints from me. OK - back to my book on the balcony.


Blogger Jaykay said...

Em, were the Grids the 7's or 8's....(salivating at the thought of maybe being able to pick me up a pair!!)

I can feel your nerves, it's coming through in your writing!!

Enjoy the sunshine!


Blogger beakus said...

Hey Em,

Glad you are getting some r&r before the 1/2M. If I were you would have peed my pants at the sight of the start line... but I guess some nerves are good :o) and at least you know what to expect :o)

Enjoy your books on the blacony. Not jealous at all... :oD


Blogger Stu Mac said...

22 degrees hey........not sure if we got much past 10 today!

Enjoy it and keep doing the smart things!



Blogger Shane said...

Hi Em,

I'm glad to hear that you are starting to feel better.

Sounds like you have everything under control; especially the most important item - R&R...

Have fun.




Blogger Clarkey said...

You probably can't do this....but before my half last year and even the mara, I barely ran at all in the last 3-4 days. Only a 20min loosener the night before. Then you will be jumping out of your skin with energy on race day.
Enjoy and don't stress, its not worth it!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Em, I love Harbor Town, how great are the sports outlets there for clothes.

I am so excited for you, I get tears of excitement when I read your blog. Oh and curries are always better the next day!




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