
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Running Naked

Training Plan - 14.5 Km at HM race pace Actual - 14 Km at ?? pace Weekly Total - 14km NO!!! not that Naked, sheesh, minds out of the gutter people :-) actually, I forget my foot pod today so I was unable to check my pace or distance, was I annoyed YES. I was wanting to head out for about 14Kms today and push most of it to what I hope to be my HM race pace. Instead I had to go out with just the stop watch and HRM as my guide, hence, running naked, well it felt like it. I admit I am very dependent on my footpod for pacing, I suppose I am going to have to learn to pace by "feel" eventually but wasn't keen on starting today. Anyhow, I guess the advantage of running a similar course most days is that I know the distance. I headed up along the Yarra today to MacRobertsons bridge, the same run I did last week the came out at 13.3 Km. However instead of turning back just before the bridge I headed over then back up to the city again on the opposite side (my office is halfway up Collins St), which is why I think it was about 14km. However the time I did it in has me seriously doubting it was 14 km, check this, 1:04:34 which gives an average pace per km of 4:37, I don't fecking think so!!! I did the Run 4 Kids 14.7 in 1:15:10 so that would be a heck of an improvement in 2 months. Then again it certainly would have been at least 13.5 km and that still gives a very respectible 4:47 pace :-) Oh well, will have to do the run again sometime with the footpod so I can find out the true distance. Either way it was a great run and I certainly felt like I was pushing it pretty hard, heart rate sat at about 82%. A big thankyou to everyone for all the words of support, encouragement and advice I have been receiving over the last couple of weeks. You will never know just how much it means to me, I just hope that I can now put in a performance on the day that I can be proud of.


Blogger Sekhmet said...

Don't ya just hate it when you forget your running gadgets? It just makes everything seem, wrong!

I wouldn't be surprised if you were cruising along close to that pace Em - you are speeding up in leaps and bounds this year.

Aaaaaaah, Beki dreams of a comfortable sub-5min pace *sigh*


Blogger Steve's Stuff said...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, I hate it when (hey isn't that a thread on AusRun) well, when I forget things.

Why don't you use Google Earth, check the distance that way.


Blogger Stu Mac said...

"" heck of an improvement in 2 months""

You think so!!!!

My goodness, with all of the training you have done in the past 3 months I would easily suspect that you have improved by that much!!!


Blogger Em said...

Ok - thanks for the tip Steve, being the obsessive compulsive that I am I have just mapped the course in Google Earth. Comes out at closer to 13.5km, Still a 4:47 pace so still pretty damn chuffed really. :-)


Blogger beakus said...

4:47! Blimey! You are going to whoooooop that 1/2M, even if you do it at your 'slow, easy' pace :oD

And to think, I'm pleased if I get near 6:00... :oD


Blogger Jaykay said...

I always feel lost without Gav. Have only fogotten him once thank goodness.


Blogger Vicky said...

Hey Em, think its time for a little self confidence girl! I know its easy to let self doubt sneak in, but you've done the hard yards (or should I say kms!), you've put the work in and are now reaping the rewards. Be proud of your improvements and know you can do this thing! You're a "real runner" now, so start believing in your (running) ability. I can totally relate to how you are feeling at this stage(and I'm sure others can too.) The week or so before my first half marathon is etched into my mind. I was so nervous! And it is a huge and daunting feat, until you do it... and do it you will. With you all the way!



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