
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Monday, June 19, 2006

Trying to get some perspective

Training Plan - Rest Actual - Rest With increased mileage I don't feel as restless on my rest days as I used to. In fact I have come to quite enjoy getting home before dark and having time to prepare a proper dinner on a Monday evening. Well, this time next week I will be blogging from the Gold Coast, am I excited, hell yeah, still have to get through another 4 days of work though. I am so looking forward to seeing my brother and sister and their partners and of course Charlie the world's cutest chocolate lab. So today I am trying to focus and keep it all in perspective. That is, it my first race at this distance and while I want to do the best I can I have to keep reminding myself that I am a total novice and to take this as a benchmark race. Phew, does not stop me being nervous as hell though :-) I keep having awful thoughts of things that could go wrong. Worst of all I am worried about letting myself down, I guess that is why it took me so long to commit to a goal time. Now that I am in the final weeks I should credit where I got my training plan from. Being a total newb and having no idea where to start I grabbed a training plan from www.runnersworld.com (the US site). You enter your recent race time for a chosen distance, enter the distance you are training for, your lead time & whether or not you want a maintenence, moderate, hard or very hard schedule. Then hey presto you have a plan, the only downside was converting all the miles to kms. I chose the moderate level and I'll say here that I have not been totally slavish to it as it asked for some damn high mileage for a "moderate" plan. Including a couple of races & a Rogaine kept the mileage down a few weeks in there. Someone wise pointed out to me yesterday that at this stage I am not going to get any fitter so should be careful not to over do it. Now I did put up my plan for the week yesterday but I will revise. Firstly, it scheduled a 26km long run, well, I obvioulsy am not going to do that. I will still do the 14.5 Km tomorrow, mostly at goal race pace, but will follow with a 11 km on Weds, 13km on Thurs, 10 km on Fri, 8 Km on Sat and 20km on Sun for a 76 km week. The training plan actually had a whopping 92 Kms scheduled, even I know that is waaaaaay too much 2 weeks out. My taper week will be 4 runs only of 8km, 8km, 10km and 8km with rest days on Monday and Saturday. There are no interval sessions planned in the last 2 weeks. So steady as she goes and just trying to keep healthy.


Blogger Crissyjt said...

I am so excited for you. Just remember to stick to your plan, even when you feel the urge to do extra k's.
Oh and make sure you pack your camera when you leave!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wise person who said your not gonna get any fitter so be careful not to over do it.

I can't help but get caught up in your exitement. I can't share your nerves though cos your gonna do GREAT.


Blogger Chris said...

I'm actually getting excited for you Em!

Really will be barracking hard from back here for you to have a great run. You have done everything possible to be prepared to run the best race you can, so now it is time to relax and enjoy the build up.



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