
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Rest, Rest and more Rest

I just did 6 km today, at an easy 5:30 pace. Up at 6:30 with an achey head, so I flopped on the couch with a UK TV murder mystery (love them) that started at 7:00, fed myself some yoghurt and fruit and took a couple of nurofen for the head. Had a lovely doze but still managed to figure out "who dun it". There was absolutely no food in the house, scratching around in the cupboard I found one of those half size pancake shake thingies that I stock up on from time to time. Not as good as weet-bix and milk but it did in a pinch, so pancakes and raspberry jam it was. By 10 I was feeling reasonably normal, though my resting heart rate was up slightly, normally about 29% but it was sitting at 32% so I decided to keep it short and easy. So a easy 6 Km then back for a nice warm shower. Met mum somewhere local to catch up before my week up north, had a lovely restorative bowl of veg soup. Bless her she offered to take me to the airport on Monday, but I have already bought by return Skybus ticket so asked her just to drop me at the bus depot at Southern Cross station instead. Now I have been taking it very easy all afternoon, had a bit of a sleep and have generally just been resting up, and doing a bit of packing. My throat is still a little sore but no body aches, the head ache has gone and there seems to be no sign of the cold taking hold or worse, moving to my chest. Looking forward to a 20Km run tomorrow and catching up with the group before I head up to the Coast.


Blogger Sekhmet said...

Vitamin C and mega doses of it!!!!! You WILL be fighting fit and healthy missy!!!!!!

Looking forward to the run tomorrow morning, it'll be a nice big group as we've all been driting off a bit lately :-)

I wish I'd been on the couch watching UK crime shows this morning instead of at work *sigh*

See you bright and early tomorrow!



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