
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Sunday, October 15, 2006

As a mountain bike rider........

........I make a fantastic runner :-) Quite a few Ausrunners were heading off for the second Spring int Shape series. I would have loved to have joined in but I was being Miss Goody Two Shoes and continuing my recovery runs. Today I was hoping to manage 15Km and that is what I ended up with, took me 1:20:06 with an average pace of 5:20. The week finished on 44.4Km (bugger, should I pop out now and run to the end of the street and back!!). I am pretty pleased with how the week has progressed, certainly contuning to recover better than last time. Oh yeah, my new shoes, fantastic, very comfy and they had heaps of room for my poor battered brusied toe.

This afternoon we went for a bike ride, I took us to Westerfolds Park this time. Headed out of the park and down to the Yarra Trail, a spot that I have run on a few times over the last couple of months, however we mostly rode down all the off path sections, we even spotted a snake. By mountain biking standards it was not particularly challenging, but I am certianly a much beter runner than mountain biker. The problem stems primarily from the fact that I am now old enough to know that if I go wheel first into a pot hole at speed and fly over the handle bars it is going to fecking hurt, therefore I proceed with caution. While it was stacks of fun I couldn't help thinking, hmmm, gotta get back here soon and run these off path sections.


Blogger Sekhmet said...

God knows why I have a mountain bike, I'm too chicken to go off road in it - should have got a road bike *rolls eyes*

Glad to hear the new wheels were good - I trialled mine today and was pleased to report they felt awesome. I'm starting to have a few doubts about the whole "Air" cushioning thing even though they are so dang comfy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you on the mountain bike thing. The combination of big heavy metal bikes, rocks, trees, holes, and speed makes me a little nervous.

Trail running, however is lots of fun.

By the way, I agree with you about Grace too. I'm more of a Tim Buckley fan, but I can't think of any album better than Grace.


Blogger MorseyRuns said...

I love mountain bike riding but agree with you completely about forseeing the pain. I stopped going off road because I was getting so paranoid about injuring myself and being couch bound.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A week after your half-marathon, great to hear you've recovered much better than last time.

I can't recall if you've pencilled in a marathon yet (hint). I 'll wait for the post.


Blogger Vicky said...

Very wise to take it easy on the bike Em, in saying that I just had an email from my friend Sara in UK who has just done terrible damage to half her body by "rolling" downhill after tripping over her feet during a trail run! Very nasty indeed! In her words- "Its a jungle out there - watch where you run!" She then had to go away to Portugal for a work conference, all battered, bruised and cut up!



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