
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Friday, October 13, 2006

Free Water

I was pressed for time this morning, got the 06:08 train and hit the road at 06:50. 7Km in 38:37, a 5:30 pace so still keeping it very slow. Tomorrow I'll go for a bike ride then on Sunday I am hoping the legs will let me do 15Km. I have been reading a great book on running called Run Strong, contains some great advice on recovery runs and building our mileage sensibly.

Here is my certificate from Sunday's half marathon, how generous of them to use my age category placing rather than my gender placing (246/1515), I did a spot of editing because they printed my surname first and it looked daft.

Well, the water main has been bust for 72 hours now and the fact is it was probably bust for at least a week before the water seeped to the surface as we have rather heavy clay here. More disturbingly there is a little bubble of water constantly flowing out of a crack in my driveway, so I am now worried about the damage it is doing as well as the waste. Not, I have to say, that Yarra Valley water seem all the fussed by it. They assure me they will be fixing it tomorrow morning, hmmm, we'll see. In the meantime, if you want some free water for your garden just pop by my place, BYO bucket!

Music Quiz
And the answer to yesterday's quiz, it was Hot! Hot! Hot! by The Cure from Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me (I guess they were going through a "3" period).


Blogger Vicky said...

Bummer that they stuffed up your cert! Still looks pretty flash tho!

Can't believe how hot it is there already! Phew!

Sounds like you're having a good steady recovery, to be back at around 90% already is great! You're obviously doing everything right...



Blogger Sekhmet said...

Godang! I was here to see if you had posted a pic of your new wheels but I see you haven't updated yet....



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