
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Monday, October 09, 2006

What Next?

I am happy to report that I have not suffered the same spiriling high and subsequent crash that I experienced after the Gold Coast Half Marathon, my emotions are on a much more even keel. Though I think the highs and lows last time were probably exaggerated by the bottle of Champagne and several glasses of white wine that were my "rehydration" strategy after the event! This time I was a bit more sensible and put away a bottle of gatorade, several cups of endura and water before moving onto the Guiness and that was one measly Pint as I had to drive home.

It has been a big year since starting the run seriously in January with lot's of fun runs and 2 half marathons, watching my times improve with each event. I am going to see out the year with some shorter events to see if my speed has improved and to just have some fun with it (which I am hoping will help with the "nerves" issue). I have spent some time on the internet looking for some events that look interesting and at this point the tentative plan to see out the year is as follows -
29 October - Run for Tanzania which is put on by the Coburg Harriers I'll do the 6Km event
12 November - Sri Chinmoy Yarra River, 7Km
26 November - Spring into Shape, either 4Km or 8Km, I'll decide closer to the date
14 December - Albert Park Xmas run, 5Km or 10Km, again, I'll decide closer to the date (maybe give 10Km a go and have a crack at a new PB)

January and February, not sure, I'll probably keep an eye on the race calendars and do the odd event if it looks interesting. Maybe go watch some of the AV summer track stuff and marvel at all the super quick sprinters

I'll also work on improving the mental side of things, in particular try to deal with those pesky nerves in the closing stages of an event. I reckon that will stem from developing some maturity as a "racer" and learning more about race strategy and being more calculated. That is, to go into the event knowing what I want to achieve and how to go about it and sticking to the plan. Also not building up an event so much will probably help. It's been a discovery year, it's been a hell of lot of fun but I guess what I am saying is I'd like to lose some of the hype. God, that sounds fecking boring doesn't it?? Don't get me wrong, this is in no way a detractor from my enthusiasm, in fact come winter next year most people will probably want to sick me in a box as I bounce around in the rain and mud with a grin on my face :-) Anyway, enough rambling thoughts, probably not making much sense but I have it straight in my mind.

This brings me to my next point, I am looking forward to 2007 and running for an Aths Club, I have missed being part of a team since I stopped playing baseball, and call me weird but I love wearing a sports uniform.

My brother called today to let me know that he has already organised my birthday present, a few months in advance but he wanted to make sure I kept the day free. Now as a rule I avoid my birthday. However my brother will be in Melbourne for Christmas and has organised his MCC members tickets for the boxing day test, so he is going to take me along to day 3, so hoping it is a good match and still all on by day 3. A bit of history there, my brother is 2 years younger than me and was put on the MCC waiting list at birth by my paternal grandparents, as where all the male grandkids, meanwhile the girls didn't have that honour bestowed on them. So my brother who has lived in the UK for the best part of the last 9 years and now lives on the Gold Coast has an MCC membership and I have squat.

Last word, Peter Norman, who died last week, had his funeral today. I was pretty impressed to see John Carlos and Tommie Smith had flown over and were even pall bearers. I don't need to tell the story, everyone know this picture, even those of us who were not born then and that Peter supported John and Tommie's stand. Incidently I found out today that the Australian 200 mtre record Peter set that day in 1968 in Mexico still stands


Blogger Stu Mac said...

Em maybe you could run at one of the All Comers events????


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Em I going through the same thought patterns now, What Next. I'll work it out over the next few days/weeks.


Blogger Vicky said...

Em, this sounds like a very sound plan to me. I totally hear what you are saying and think it makes good sense. This is how you will progress to the next level. Great that you are already thinking ahead to next year too. Just remember to slot in a bit off an "off-season" somewhere and you will come back better for it.



Blogger Ewen said...

That's good news about the Aths club - occassional weekly racing will help settle the nerves.

They replayed an old interview with Peter on the radio. He said one of the pairs of gloves was lost before the ceremony and he suggested to John and Tommie they split the remaining pair - which explains the right and left hands in the photo.



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