
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Shoes, then and now

No Running today, off for a longish run tomorrow morning, hopefully about 15Km

I was doing a spot of spring cleaning today and I found a single lonely sneaker in the back of the cupboard. It was one half of my old pair of Reeboks from HIGH SCHOOL!!! God only knows how they managed to survive the 8 times I moved between leaving home and buying my house. Anyway, the lonely sneaker is now in the bin but before I chucked it I took a photo. They saw many a 3Km cross country run between year 9 and 12 when I graduated from Dunlop Volleys to "proper" running shoes. Not that these had much more support or cushioning than the old volleys and they were a size 8.5, I now wear a 9.5 to 10!!

So in contrast here are the new ones I picked up today. A brand spanking new pair of Nike Air Equalon, just out, so new that they were not even laced so no one else had tried them on. My Brooks Trance 5 have about 750Km on them so they will be good for another 300Km, I'll just rotate them with the Nike's. I did try the new Trance 6's, and there was a damn fine and comfortable pair of shoes right there, they felt amazing. Unfortunately for me though Brooks have tweeked the support and they are no longer the shoe for me, not enough mid foot support according to the Pod. Shame, I really wanted them to be right, great forefoot flexibility and they are supposed to wear well for longer as well. The Pod. wanted to sell me Saucony's Omni Grids again but I have had them before and I just wasn't that happy with them. They were quite stiff and I felt like they robbed me of my natural style a bit too much. To the credit of the chick fitting my shoes for me she accepted that and made a real effort to find something else that provided the right support that I was happy with. Anyway, that is an awfully long post about shoes!!

Water update - Some guys came today and tore up my driveway as the burst was under the pavement not the nature strip. So they tore up the driveway, filled the hole in again and nicked off. Presumably at some stage someone is going to turn up and actually fix the pipe. So in summary, 2 guys came and installed the sign, a few hours later 2 more guys came, looked at the water leaking, wiggled the sign and left, then today another 2 guys come and dug a hole and fill it in again. Apparently I now have to call Yarra Valley Water and say the pipe can be fixed now (because they can't do that, being that they work for YVW and all??) - if I didn't know any better I'd say I was caught in a Monty Python skit!


Blogger Sekhmet said...

Oooooh, they are pretty! I want some lol ;-) You'll have to do the road test tomorrow and let us know how they go


Blogger Boston said...

I liked the story of your shoes... I had similar experience. Except to say it was my nephew who looked after my NB "runners" for 15 years. He kept them waiting for me to return...


Blogger MorseyRuns said...

Em, I love the sensible colours of your new shoes, bright pink belongs in the eighties with your old shoes. Mine always end up brown from the tan/ lake track anyway.


Blogger Ewen said...

Nike LDVs were my first 'real' running shoes - very cool in yellow with blue swooshes. Wish I'd kept them! A big step up from the Dunlop KT26.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or, you could be in the Twilight Zone.


Blogger Vicky said...

Soooooooooo funny about that old shoe turning up! Its come back to haunt you - "Em take me for a runnnnnnnnnnnn - pretty pleeeeease!"

LOVE to look of the new ones, very cool!




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