
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Melbourne (half) Marathon - 1:44:41

Where to start? The vital information first, the time, by my watch was 1:44:41 which is a PB by 3:19 which is nothing to sniff at!

Here are my splits, though I missed the first Km marker because they only marked the course for the full marathon, obviously us halfers don't count, we only got 5, 10 and 15 Km markers.
9:38 (2km)
4:47 (4Km)
4:42 (5Km in 24:25)
4:50 (6Km)
4:44 (7Km)
4:52 (8Km)
4:56 (9Km)
4:56 (10Km in 48:47)
4:56 (11km)
4:58 (12Km)
5:03 (13Km and starting to pay for the quick start)
5:13 (14Km)
4:57 (15Km in 1:13:56)
5:04 (16Km)
9:51 (17 and 18Km)
5:01 (19Km)
5:08 (20Km in 1:39:01)
The average pace was 4:58, so pretty stoked to have finished a half marathon with a sub 5 minute pace (by a bees dick)

I had the following splits written on my arm 5km - 25:24, 10Km - 50:20, 15Km - 1:14:47 and 20Km 1:38:47, so I was pretty close to the mark, it was the last 4 Km really that let me down.

I am 98% happy, the 2% unhappy is because I was hoping to get closer to 1:44:00 and I reckon I could have if the usual panic attack didn't set in during the last kilometer, I had the legs for a strong quick finish over the last 500 metres, but it is pretty hard to do when your stomach is having a spasm. It's gotta be a mental thing and it is something I have to work on, I suspect it may be a fear of failure. Though god knows why, once you are under a Km from the finish what's to fear??

I felt pretty strong right from the off, despite the fecking wind, rain and general coldness, fortunately the rain lasted only a few minutes and as if by some miracle the wind was a tail wind, with some cross winds for most of the way. Fitzroy street was tough because the tail wind left and I rounded the top with pretty heavy legs, though my split times show I did not let off too much after the 17Km mark. Then St Kilda road seemed to go on FOREVER, despite it being only 4Km, to make matters worse this is when the head wind kicked in, and a nasty cross wind in parts too, one nearly blew me over. Also the total morons trying to DRIVE out of the service road didn't help, literally pulling out right in front of runners, seriously, I wish I was kidding!!

Anyway, I was just praying for the Domain Interchange because I knew it would be about 1300 mtres from there, but the damn thing was a mirage, to more I ran towards it the more it moved away :-) Finally the Arts Centre Spire came into view and I was into the finish chute and the last 400 mtres or so, which is when I was having stomach problems. I was pretty relieved to get over the finish line, and the first face I see is Tim as the marshall was registering my timing chip. A bit dazed and confused and for the first 20 seconds or so I was thinking, "who is this guy, he seems particularly interested in how I went, that's pretty friendly", Doh, it was fantastic to see a friendly face so soon after finishing, though I pretty sure I was babbling and making very little sense, and I may have looked like I was going to chuck, but I couldn't have, nothing in my stomach. And I certainly don't want to see my finishers photo, I can tell you now, it aint gunna be pretty.

I limped back to my car to get my skins and tracksuit then headed back to watch the marathoners finish, some really happy with their times, others not so. But to all the Marathoners you have my never ending respect and admiration. Michelle, you legend, I knew you could get under 4 hours and I had a tear in my eye seeing you finish looking so strong!!

Again I have learned so valuable lessons today, I think my pacing at the start was a bit off and I went out a touch to fast, a slightly more conservative start could have yielded a better result. Well, bored you all enough now, looking forward to fish and chips for dinner, a day or 2 recovery then back into it and on to the next challenge.


Blogger Sekhmet said...

Awesome result Em! You were giving me visions of that bit from Monty Python and the Holy Grail when you mentioned the closer you got the further it moved away lol :-)

Funny how your tummy always does that, aa bit like how my asthma always plays up starting at the 6km mark - definitely a nerves thing and hardly surprising when you have built up to this for so long. As long as you managed to hold on to your weetbix it's all good ;-)

So what's next up then???


Blogger Ewen said...

Congratulations on the PB Em. I see you've updated your times already ;)

I guess the 4:40s might have hurt a little but nevertheless, a good run. The 100 minute goal is well within reach.

Now... was it marathonphotos.com?


Blogger Vicky said...

Way to go Em! A PB by over 3mins is awesome! Sounds like the conditions were not the easiest either.

You sound a bit disappointed, but you shouldn't be - just think about how far you have come in such a short time...

And from what I've heard from you so far, I know you will learn from this experience and use it to your advantage next time. Its all a learning curve and I know you will keep improving and working on the weaknesses (nerves at the end) till you overcome them.

Don't be afraid to spoil yourself for a job well done - you deserve it! Indulging in a few glasses of alcohol, a bowl of icecream or whatever you feel like, aint gonna hurt! I know as well as you do that you'll be back out there in a few days, training as hard as ever, so for now just relax and quit being so hard on yourself - be really proud of your achievement and enjoy a little rest.




Blogger Spark Driver said...

Well done on the great time. And congrats on not spewing in the finishers chute.

Seriously though that finishers chute seemed to stretch on for ever.


Blogger Chris said...

Great effort Em. Sorry I couldn't get down there for the half finish, but you did superbly!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great effort Em, a pb is a pb is a pb and so you should focus on the 98% bit.

You're right about St. Kilda Rd, I reckon it went on forever as well.

Nice catching up with you yesterday afterwards.


Blogger Stu Mac said...

Enough said Em, WELL DONE!!!



Blogger Jaykay said...

Thanks for the Champers Em!

I can only hope that I get as good as you.


Blogger MorseyRuns said...

What a great run Em, you must be so pleased. I both loved and hated that wind at various points. I am so impressed with your time.



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