
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Thursday, October 05, 2006

8Km easy, boring little trot 'round the streets near home. Well, I shouldn't say that, the route I took used to be my long run back in January when I'd take a deep breath on a Sunday morning and head out for 8Km which would take me about 50 minutes of slow running and a bit of walking.

I took myself of to a chick flick this afternoon (my love of trashy chick flicks did appear on my 100 things about me list remember), I went to see The Devil Wears Prada. Not bad, Meryl Streep was fantastic, love her, oh to have such amazing bone structure, she still looks gorgeous. I did struggle to relate in parts though, the boyfriend and best friend got all snippy with the protagonist because she "changed". This gave me this irrites, sorry, but we can't stay the same forever, who'd want too, how boring!!

I popped into Dimmy's before the movie to buy myself a cheap top to wear on Sunday morning, something to keep me warm on the start line that can be chucked. So I found a top for $7 and was quite pleased with myself, then looked around at all the people who were shopping in there and buying clothes because for them it wasn't cheap it was what they could afford. Then I felt a bit ashamed of myself because the top I bought will be worn for an hour or so then discarded. Perhaps I dwell on things too much.

I have been following the AIS carb load program, starting from today. Unlike the bad old days there is no depletion phase, apart from a depletion of activity of course. I never, never thought I would say this, but it is quite difficult to get enough carbs in, so I am relying a bit on the endura and gatorade. For anyone who is interested check it out here. Also I am sticking to the refined carbohydrates so I don't get an upset stomach. Which is a change for me as I usually eat heaps of wholegrains, lentils, beans etc, typical vegetarian fare. I did this last time too, also I stop taking any fluids after about 6pm the night before and nothing but some toast and jam on the morning. Certainly made sure I had no unpleasant digestive issues on race morning, saves constant trips to the portaloo.


Blogger MorseyRuns said...

Thanks for the tips on carbo loading- I checked out the site and will try to follow the advice- that is a lot of food though!


Blogger Vicky said...

I've been gonna go see that movie - but haven't got there yet!

I will check out the carbo-load advice too, every bit helps!

Glad to hear you've found some middle ground on the nervousness! Totally agree with your thoughts and while you'll never eliminate it completely, its good if you can keep it mainly under wraps till the day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find the tapering thing very strange, little training and heaps of food. I'm not complaining though.

Have a great day on Sunday. I'm sure you'll do very well.


Blogger Stu Mac said...

I'm not a fan of the removal of fluids prior to a race, but I know you have done this many times and it works for you, but after my withdrawal in the MM in 2004 due to hydration problems and watching an U20 3000m race in 45 degrees has always made me very aware of fluid intake. But most importantly, everyone needs to do what works for themselves!

Again, all the best!



Blogger Unknown said...

Em, just popped in to wish you luck for your race on Sunday. I know you will do great :-).


Blogger Ewen said...

You'll do well on Sunday Em.

By the way, I'm enduring the same sort of hardships in this summery weather during my runs around the lake.



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