
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Ready and raring to go

An easy paced 10Km this afternoon. I forgot my watch (not something I do very often), fortunately I have some tried and true routes mapped out at 6Km, 10Km, 12Km, 13Km and 16Km so it wasn't a problem. To be honest during this taper period it is a nice change to just head out for a run without worrying about time, it probably helped keep my pace a bit slower.

It was a very warm afternoon at about 16:30 when I headed out, 28 degrees by the Nylex clock. I ran up to The Tan from the office, a lap and a bit then back along the Yarra to the office. Despite the weather it was quite a pleasent run, not too humid. Also the added advantage of the warm weather means lot's of lovely lads running around The Tan with their tops off, honestly, the hardships I must endure for my sport ;-)

Not so nervous today, I have managed to put things in perspective. I think the reason I get nervous is because I know I have worked hard to this point, I am pretty much 98% happy with my prep this time. So I get a bit edgy because I would be disappointed in myself if I did not perform to my expectations on the day and I think that is fair. But on the other hand, I have only been running seriously since January, it is only my second half marathon and let's face it I have many, many half marathons ahead of me. By the way this is not defeatist talk, I am merely gaining some perspective, trust me, I'll be running my heart out on Sunday.

Now the Ausrun Forum has been down for over 24 hours now, I am suffering withdrawals, hope it is back up soon. Think I saw one of the Ausrunners passing me just after Anderson St this afternoon, but I have only met him once so wasn't 100% and too shy to shout out in case I was wrong.


Blogger Stu Mac said...

Tonight I ran with the S2F groups, there were a couple of girls who are preparing themselves for Sunday, quickish pace they are aiming for, one has been sorting an ITB/glute prob and the other is extremely nervous, as it is her first HM, one (ITB) is aiming for 92/93 and the other around the 95. Their thoughts and worries reminded me of you so much!

It was a great arvo/evening for a run in the city area, I too enjoyed the city tonight, about 1-1 1/2 hours after you.



Blogger Paul said...

Hi Em I'm a mate of Steve's, we work together. Just new to this blog stuff and I'm really getting in to it. I used to run a few years back and have done a few halfs. Just get into your rhythym as soon as you can and then enjoy the day....


Blogger MorseyRuns said...

Good luck for Sunday Em, you will probably have arrived home, showered and had breakfast by the time I struggle across the line. Enjoy your run.



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