
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Last session before the half marathon. Just an easy 4 by 500 metres, not flat out, a good tempo session concentrating on form. I think that my actual performance was better than my perceived performance. My legs felt a touch jelly like and my heart rate more elevated than usual. I am putting it down to some nerves because I am physically well. I have my taper under control now, plan is as follows
Wed - 10Km
Thur - 8Km
Fri - Rest
Sat - 4 or 5 Km easy.

I have Thursday and Friday off work so I am looking forward to getting some rest in as well. I am also planning on driving the course, probably on Friday, it really helps me to identify the landmarks and know what is ahead of me.


Blogger Sekhmet said...

Good luck for Sunday Em - I know you'll kick butt with all the hard work you've put in and I can't wait to read your race report :-)

Enjoy the next few days of rest - or at least try too! Knowing you, you'll be going mad having two days off work and only minimal running...


Blogger Stu Mac said...

Don't you love easier reps it all happens really quickly!

Yes remember two days off work doesn't equate to more training time, I know you know that, but!!!

When you drive the course you may even want to get out and have walk of some spots too, maybe get to know the 15k area, so you know where it is when you are going to pick up the pace.

You will kick butt!


Blogger Chris said...

As Beki mentioned - you have done the hard work, now it's time to enjoy the rewards.

A bit of nervouse energy is good though, if you don't have the butterflies then you don't care enough about it.

Hopefully I'll get down towards the finish to help cheer you on for the last km or so!


Blogger Jaykay said...

Em, it's that last hill that's the one you need to watch!

Sounds like you've really got it all under control.

Looking forward to catching up on Sunday!


Blogger beakus said...

Good luck Em, I will be thinking of you on Sunday. I will echo what everyone else has said - try and enjoy the next few days, treat yourself gently and I hope the 'drive through' helps. I like Stu's idea of walking a bit of it to really familiarise yourself :o)

It has been the most amazing thing, reading about your preparation for this weekend, and your sense of determination shines throough Em.

Kick some 1/2 marathon ass!




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