
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Friday, November 17, 2006

Here comes the Sun

9km in 43:42, average pace 4:51

Today's was a tempo session, being that I am running with only a rough plan at the moment I tend to make the session up after I lace up my shoes. I drove in today and was parked at Fed Square so I decided to warm up as far as The Tan, pick it up to 5km race pace around The Tan and then cool down back to the car via Punt Road just to bring the distance up to 9km. So that is what I did, I was going to do a timed lap of The Tan but I was a bit headstrong and went up Anderson Street waaaaay to fast and was stuffed at the top so I has to take a breather for 30 seconds. Also I didn't take a hard right at the top of the hill, rather I do an extra bit before heading back along the track, so there, I am not posting my lap time because it was not done proper like. All up a great session, pretty high intensity and alot of sweat :-) AND I'll be back to 6 days a week this week.

The Make Poverty History concert is on at the Myer Music bowl tonight and concert goers were turning up already while I was doing my run. Given the reason behind the concert I was feeling a bit self conscious in head to toe Nike, I was waiting for someone to tackle me to the ground and beat me for supporting Sweatshop labour, damn my middle class guilt!

Driving home after my run I managed to catch HACK on JJJ. There was a story on girls as young as 17 getting Breast implants!!!! Hello, why are their parents letting this happen?? I find this absolutely outrageous, fair enough if a woman has had a mastectomy, but there would be very little reason for a 17 year old girl to do something like that to herself. I couldn't think of anything more ghastly myself, my cup may not runneth over but I have no complaints, why would I want to stick a couple of silicon sacks on the front, they never look natural? Maybe I am just lucky that my body is in proportion, everything is as it should be and most importantly it let's me run, I guess I would prefer to be streamlined than bumpy. 17 year old girls getting boob jobs! Never would have happened in my day!


Blogger Spark Driver said...

Its great to see the good weather back. Just hope it doesn't get too hot now.

I consider myself quite the Connoisseur of ladies breasts but am stunned that girls as young as 17 are getting surgery!! Aren't they still growing??


Blogger Vicky said...

LOL SD ! Down boy!

Totally agree Em, what are these people - those who get them done at that age, those who let them and those who "do" them - thinking? Crazy, totally unnecessary and potentially dangerous!




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