
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Saturday, November 18, 2006

More stuff about me

Rest day

Your time starts now
I pinched this idea from the Good Weekend, the magazine that comes with the Saturday Age. One of my favorite sections is called "Your time starts now" and is a list of questions to someone noteworthy. Well I may not be that noteworthy but I have answered the questions anyway :-)

My earliest memory is…Making a plaster plaque in Kinder with my handprint in it and making a big mess painting it

At school I…Loved my grade 2 teacher who played guitar and let us watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in class

My first relationship was…with the library card my mum got me when I was young because I loved reading so much she couldn’t afford to keep me in books

I wish I’d never worn…pale blue bubble gum jeans and RaRa skirts (not together)

My mother always told me…to treat others how I would like to be treated myself

I wish I had…have taken a year to travel before I started Uni, 18 is too young, you need some living behind you to make the most of tertiary education

I wish I hadn’t…have waited until I was 32 to get serious about running

My most humiliating moment was…I can’t honestly say I have had one, perhaps and example of a life lived with too much caution

My happiest moment was…participating in my first half marathon, the sense of achieving something special was amazing, probably so trivial for so many others but I felt like I had conquered the world and no one can take that away from me

My last meal would be…depends on the circumstances but to avoid the tedium of taking the questions too literally I’ll say either a Vegetable Tagine or Wild Mushroom Risotto with my brother’s Sticky Date Pudding for desert

I’m very bad at…singing, yet I still insist on doing it also being told “No, you can’t do that”

When I was a child I wanted to…be an Archaeologist

The book that changed my life is…Alice in Wonderland. I still re-read it every couple of years

It’s not fashionable but I love…when Flame Trees or Eye of the Tiger come on my iPod when I am running, but only when I am running AND to make matters worse I sing out loud. Bang goes my Indie Music cred!

Friends say I am…off my tree

The music I’d like played at my funeral is…not something I have put any thought into, Jeff Buckley’s version of Hallelujah perhaps or to be more clichéd Last Goodbye, ultimately I don’t really care, I’ll be dead after all

If only I could…run a sub 20 minute 5Km

The hardest thing I’ve ever done was…accept a role in the school play when I was in year 7, especially as it involved kissing a boy, I was painfully shy (YES ME)

The last big belly laugh I had was…yesterday, when I suggested embedding my cat In the fresh concrete of my newly repaired driveway to deter local kids from writing their names In it. OK, you had to be there and I have a sick sense of humour

What I don’t find amusing is… Ignorance

I’m always being asked…you ran how far today?

Cat or Dog? Cat, Dogs are too needy

If I wasn’t me I’d like to be…someone who can sing. I wouldn’t want to be another person though, who I am is just fine thanks

If I were a car I’d be…my old 1976 Volvo (my first car), sturdy, not too fast but gets there in the end and doesn’t give up

I often wonder…what the hell is going on


Blogger Vicky said...

Love the post Em.

Can relate to your Mum with the library card - I've had to do the same for Courtney - not complaining tho!

My feelings about my first HM were and still are the same as yours - will never forget it.

And Eye of the Tiger - one of THE best songs to run to, but would drive me mad any other time! Do you feel like punching the air when you're running along to it too?!? Sad.

Gotta go, I'm gonna sleep like the proverbial log tonight!



Blogger Em said...

True Mr N, the Fauves did have a point.

Hope all the visitors check out Mr N's link, I just about we myself laughing :-)


Blogger Ewen said...

You are young enough at any age to take running seriously.

You've probably seen this long live version of Hallelujah. He was good.


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