
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Belenos, where are you?

Belenos, the Celtic God of the Sun, celebrated at Beltane in the northern hemisphere on May 1st (May Day). He's my man, I HATE winter, my mood has become as grey and drab as the sky, I think I may suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder. I wish I could find a positive in all this but I really just can not wait for Spring. Training Plan - 11 km at 6:00 Actual - 11 km at 5:30 Weekly Total - 62 Km Depsite being bone tired I did not sleep to well last night, kept tossing and turning. I got up at about 06:30 and dozed on the couch watching murder mysteries on UKTV and reruns of The Simpsons until about 10:30. I finally dragged my running gear on and headed out for a run around the block at about 10:45. GOD, what a grind, boring scenery, trudging around just to get the mileage up, definitely one of those rare "only doing it because I have to runs". There was one bright point, in the small park there was this gorgeous little chocolate brown puppy bounding after me, you know that little hoppy run they do when they are little. I eventually stopped running to allow the owner to retrieve him, I had a joke with him and said that if I didn't stop the dog would have followed me home. Like I said it was a grind, so I had to do a few laps of the park, so I ran into the puppy again. The owner picked him up and his little legs where churning in thin air :-), it was a cavalier king charles crossed with a pug!! sounds awful but he really was an adorable little thing, all this from a cat person as well. I think the owner must have thought he had bought himself a right little chick magnet, sorry buddy, I really was only interested in the puppy. Aghhh, have I mentioned I hate winter, so grey, dreary and drab, I really must get my chimney cleaned so I can have a fire. I can not wait to get to the Gold Coast and feel that lovely warm sun on my face, only a week to go. Wow, I had a right old belly ache today, sorry about that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Em, I am so with you about winter. I hate the cold and winter makes me feel down, drab, gloomey and I find it hard to be motivated.

ALso just wanted to say that I love reading your Blog.

I am off now to do some sort of dance to summon Belenos.



Blogger Stu Mac said...

Em, I now better understand, the taper will soon begin and the days are short and cool, tough it out, nearly there, your work has been superb and you will do well!

We all have those sort of days, smile and make sure your next run is for you and not for the 'book' (meaning not for the miles).



Blogger Sekhmet said...

Another run out of the way - and I don;t blame you for feeling dreary running around that area. The Creeklands are soooo small and I used to only do one lap - lol I can lny imagine how bored I would be if I tried to do them now!

Not long now, a break in the sun and a race - two of your favourite things combined ;)


Blogger Jaykay said...

Em I so know where you're coming from with this winter lark! Hate it with a vengence.

Give me 25 degrees and sunny any day....

And good on you for getting out there anyway!!



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