
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Monday, June 05, 2006

So, what do I eat?

Training Plan - Rest Actual - Rest Someone asked me on the weekend what I would eat on an average day, so today I kept a record, so here it is - 05:30 - 2.5 Weet-bix with 150ml physical Milk mixed with 3 teaspoons of Sustagen powder 08:00 - Hungry again! 2 slices of toasted Burgen fruit and museli bread with 5gms butter (how do I measure the butter? I buy the little single serve thingies, 12 in a box, they are 10gm each and I only scrape on half a serve each time). Sorry, but I am not sacrificing butter, I would rather have the tiniest bit over ghastly margarine anyday. 08:30 - Small flat white, full fat (skinny flat white, ughhhh, may as well drink dirty dish water) and a gossip, it is a morning ritual with a work mate, after a week in Sydney we had stacks to catch up on. Not least of all me welcoming her to the mortgage club as she had bought herself a flat the previous weekend. 09:50 - Fighting serious hunger pangs here. I have read the hunger is often mistaken for thirst so I am drinking water. 10:30 - drank enough water to drown a fish, I slosh when I walk, still bloody hungry, can't concentrate so I give in to a museli bar. 12:30 - Very yummy lentil and vegie soup with a slice of bread 13:30 - Oh for god sake, hungry again, surely I can not be hungry only an hour after lunch??!! Oh well, more water and a walk to buy a yoghurt (low fat) with stewed apple on top. 14:30 - Ate the yoghurt I bought at 13:30 15:00 - "saved" by a meeting, if I have to concentrate on a teleconference I won't be thinking about my stomach. 16:30 - home on the train, tortured by the walk past the bakery with the great muffins and the vendor at Flinders street who sells those oh so fabulous Belgian waffles, but I resist. 17:30 - Home, cave into a square of Lindt chocolate (oh why did I go to the Lindt shop in Syndey, why?) and also a couple of dry biscuits, salada's small squares. Now dinner is on and I hanging out, trying to keep out of the pantry. So without the commentary Weet-Bix and milk Fruit toast Flat white Museli Bar Lentil Soup/bread Yoghurt Wee bit of choccie 2 small salada squares Dinner will be pasta bake with tomato sauce and tuna, no cheese for me and a small serve. Probably some tinned pineapple and a scoop of frozen yoghurt for desert. I am pretty much hungry all the time, I live from meal to meal and I struggle most in the mornings. I think I eat reasonably well, I watch my serving sizes and don't have seconds, also I only eat desert once or twice a week. Though I know I should have more fruit but it is hard at this time of the year because none of my favorites are in season so I generally snack on the golburn valley fruit cups. So that's it really, now weighing in at about 58.5 Kgs, down from 62 just after Xmas last year. Final word, I picked up a great book last week, Run Strong, edited by Kevin Beck. It has contributions from 13 coaches and it is shaping up to be a great resource. It originally caught my eye because it had Buster (Mmmm) on the cover, though it turned out to be an American publication, they probably put each countries local hero on the front to boost sales. Anyhow, anyone looking for a good resource that is reasonably technical but not too full on would probably get alot from it.


Blogger Stu Mac said...

I wonder if our yogurt was the same, last night for dessert I had a tub of yogurt with stewed apples, I think it was Pauls, the yogurt was Greek style, very yummy.

Food intake looks good to me, I snack nearly all morning.


Blogger Unknown said...

I am no expert and i guess that you
must know what works for you BUT! as
you seem always hungry, i would go
for a larger breakfast/moderate morn
tea and then something very light in
the afternoon and a balanced but not
too large dinner. What you eat in the
morning should get worked off during
the day. Perhaps that would stop the
temptation to snack. Of course ideally, we should eat around 6-8 times daily but this is difficult to



Anonymous Anonymous said...

We had birthday cake and donuts in the afternoon for a colleague's birthday. They looked nice but had to decline as an hour later I went for a run.

Nothing wrong with having a treat every now and then. As long as every now and then is not every day.

I was about to post this and then thought, are you really eating enough when you consider the training you're doing?


Blogger RunDave said...

I would highly recommend seeing a sports dietician. I was having trouble with getting sick all the time from training. When I saw a dietician, she identified that my energy and protein intake was insufficient (even though I was eating all the time) and helped with a few useful tips for eating more energy/protein rich foods.

I think Buster is a bigger name overseas than here, so no surprise he is on the cover of an American book.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

On Sunday it was my oldest daughters birthday (15 ..... sigh) and we had tangy lemon cheesecake ..... so bad but soooo nice. Even had some last night ....... oh well .....

I am always snacking and just have jeaps of fruit around .....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry ... that was me ...

Take care
Eeat Em


Blogger Jaykay said...

Thankyou so much for posting what you eat. I love reading things like this.


Blogger The Librarian said...

Hi, you don't know me but being a runner ( not as dedictaed these days) and having struggled through constant hunger I know how you feel.

I started eating oat bran for breakfast a year ago and have never looked back. It gets me through to at least morning tea as it has a lot of fibre and bulk, but is still very low in calories.

40grams ( plenty for me) has about the same calories at weetbix but takes longer to digest.

You can make it into a yummy porridge with milk, or I just have it with water and microwave. Put some goulburn valley apples on top! Yum!

But that said, you probably do need to see a dietician, you run so much. I've been studying stress fractures for my uni course and they can strike women who train alot and may have insufficient diets...



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