
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Friday, August 25, 2006


12.3 Km in 1:03:25, an average pace of 5:09. Had a bit of a breakthrough today, as this was just a takin' it easy run I decided to work on my form and stride. I lengthened my stride but still kept the pace easy and just travelled along for about 500 metres to allow myself to settle into it. Checked the watch and the pace was about 4:40, I was amazed because the perceived exertion was very comfortable, my breathing was steady and I felt at ease. So there you have it, so simple! Pretty sure I still sounded like a baby elephant in stampede, but let's not try and fix everything at once :-) I have been a bit naughty and have just finished a stretch of 9 days straight, WHY? because of work stuff last week I had to take the Wednesday off as I could not fit in a run before my massage appt. owing to a late finish. I cherish my Saturday's off, they are the one day I get to sleep in and hang out in my PJs all morning, soooo, I was not going to take this Wednesday off which meant I had to push through. To be honest it did not really tax me and I am feeling pretty good tonight. Just did the maths and I ran 111 Km over the last 9 days.


Q - How do you know you are having dinner with a group of runners? A - No one orders dessert :-) Had a lovely farewell dinner for Beki tonight, sadly I was driving though so had to remain sober. Good to catch up with a few people I haven't seen for a few weeks and meet a new face.


Blogger Stu Mac said...

"No one orders dessert", your right, not one person and no-one even mentioned it!

To be honest the last time I had dessert would have been at a wedding or an occassion like that!

Anyway, dessert gets in the way of beer!!! :-)



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