
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Monday, August 28, 2006

Stepping up a Gear

Monday's are easy recovery run day.
Avg Pace 5:15

3 weeks of higher mileage under my belt now and I am still feeling pretty good, granted a bit tired and alot more hungry but I guess that is to be expected. It will be pretty much the same from now until a week and a half out when I will start my taper. I have decided against any other racing until the half marathon. There will be plenty of time for some "fun" runs in November and December, then I can have a lighter January before gearing up again for 2007.

It's like my running year has been broken into 2 halves. The first half was the discovery and building up mileage. The second half is building on the base mileage and getting used to speed work. I never imagined back in January that I would be were I am now. When I first started running outside it was sooooo hard, I came very close to giving it in, very glad that I didn't :-)

Just noticed as well, clocked up 304 Kms for the month today which means August will also be my biggest month. Biggest week, longest run, biggest month!!!!


By the way, it may seem that I am a rather one dimensional character which not much else in her life other than running. Well, literally I do spend alot of time on my feet which does mean some other things have been squeezed out. I have deliberately left my politics, philosophies and more personal thoughts out of this blog. Mainly because I don't want to use this as a forum for debate and if I reveal too many of my innermost thoughts you will all think I am even more neurotic than you already do!


Blogger Crissyjt said...

Wholy crap Em, i have neglected your blog recently only to come back and see that you have taken huge leaps and bounds. You seem to be travelling along real nice, which means you must be doing it right!
Keep up the great work and i'm possitive i will be reading yet another victory story from you in a month or so.


Blogger Boston said...

Em... you're doing fantastic and take the plunge for sharing your thoughts on other matters. Enjoy reading your blog. Best wishes!


Blogger Rice said...

I don't think I have ever met anyone that was normal, well other them me of course..




Blogger Stu Mac said...

Em, a big month. For what it is worth, I think you are making the right decision regarding the amount you are racing.


Good to catch up last Fri.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Em, congrats on a a big month and there's still two running days left.



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