
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Friday, September 08, 2006

Kids!! They're everywhere, help!!!!

12 Km today in 1:03:33 an average pace of 5:17. Bloody uninspiring though, cold and windy and still battling some general leg soreness, nothing serious just heavy and tired. In fact I felt as about as light and graceful as a 3 legged hippo today. My mind was playing funny buggers today too, telling me that it's all over and I'll never run a decent half marathon, kept trying to shut the nagging cow up, grrrr. Ughh, not to worry tomorrow is a rest day and I'll enjoy a sleep in and some general loafing about.

My work gives us a day off every year for community service. A group of us have been supporting a charity for the last couple of years called NAPCAN which stands for National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect. We chose to support them becuase the operate with little government funding, apart from ocassional special grants. Interestingly many of us who help fund raise for NAPCAN do not have children of our own. Personally I have consumed more than my fair share of charity choccies to do my bit ;-) every year on the Friday at the end of National Child Protection Week NAPCAN have a big morning tea/Kid's party at the Royal Childrens Hospital. They invite all the community groups that are being recognised with special awards for their work with kids and they also invite about 200 kids from surrounding schools. This is the second year we have volunteered to provide morning tea for the adults and kids, prior to that they were never able to provide refreshments because the Vic branch operates on a budget of a mere $12,000 a year. It's no drama for us to get together and bake some cakes and buy some chips and dips. We also put together about 200 lolly bags for the kids (kids don't mind Reject Shop lollies do they??).

There were also volunteers from another company providing the entertainment, games, face painting, coloured hairspray, so the whole vibe is kind of like a big kids party. It was further reinforced for me today why I won't ever have kids, we just don't relate. One little fella totally did his 'nana when he couldn't open his lolly bag (we used little zip lock bags) and when I tried to help him he clutched the bag to his chest, dropped to the floor and really let loose, I just stood there like and idiot "WTF am I supposed to do here?", I just backed away and let his teacher sort him out, I truly believe that like wild animals kids smell fear!


Blogger Boston said...

Em - kiddies dont mind lollies from Reject Shop. It's the adults who object to them.
Great to see you supporting good causes.


Blogger Ruune said...

Well done Em, sounds like a great cause and an easy enough contribution to make which probably makes a huge difference to the organisation.

As for the running, I am sure you will get your mojo back soon.


Blogger Sekhmet said...

I'd have done the same Em, happy to support the kids charities, but having to deal with them *shudders* - I have no idea what you are supposed to do with them.....


Blogger Ewen said...

I can smell it from here Em.



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