
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Rest, Glorious Rest

Ahhh, no running today, rest day. Thank goodness because it is awful out there, cold and nasty.

I found out this week that one of my fave food shops, Macro has a store in Glen Waverly so now I don't have to trek out to Richmond to stock up on goodies. Being a vego it can be hard to put together a quick healthy meal sometimes, you can get damn sick of pasta and I HATE tofu! During the week I don't get home until after 630pm at the earliest because I am running, and trust me the last thing I want to do is slave away in the kitchen making dinner. At Macro they sell these yummy frozen lentil and pumpkin patties that I can make a quick wrap out of with some humous (protein along with the lentils), salad and pita bread. The same company also makes these great brown rice and lentil burgers that also make a good quick dinner. I also picked up some brown rice and buckwheat noodles to make a ramen from with miso soup base and veggies. Very :-) because I will be eating well this week.

Right next door to Macro there was a sports store and I have finally been able to track down a pair of Capri Skins (at this point the girls are thinking, Capri Yep no problem, and the boys are thinking What The! Well just for the boys Capri pants finish just below the knee, so longer than bike shorts and shorter than full length tights) and they were selling them at 10% off. They came out a few months ago but no one seems to stock then, they are not even on the Skins website. This shop also had the new top for girls but I couldn't any advantage in a Skins top. I was pleasently surprised to find that I have gone down a size since I bought my full length pair in Feb, I am now an XS. Now I am not exactly petite so I am not sure how the really little girls fare, I can't see how a 155 cm 45 Kg pocket rocket would get much compression from the same size tights as I wear, I would have thought they would go down to XXS. Anyway, I am not complaining and it explains why I had to keep stopping during last weeks long run to hitch my full length Skins up, think I will have to relegate them to recovery wear only now.


Blogger Jaykay said...

The Capri skins are just what I'm looking for. The full length ones are way too warm now, so the capri ones would sit under my 3/4 pants really well.

Can you email me the address of the sport shop? Ta mate!


Blogger R2B said...

I knew what Capri meant,not all males are thick :)

I haven't eaten meat for 5 days now and i am going well but i havent been able to continue on previous attempts because it is hard to find tasty stuff that is also nutricous? and not boring.
At the moment i am just picking the meat out of my wifes cooking.Next dinner will be Zuchini slice but of course it will take over an hour to prepare...any ideas?



Blogger Sekhmet said...

Oooh, 3/4 skins - I'll bet they look really cute too.....my next running related purchase perhaps??? You'll have to post a picture for us.

I think I've managed to "mostly" convert BB to "mostly" vego now, I've even had him eating chickpea burgers and vegie sausages ;-) I think he may have snuck in some red meat once in the last two weeks but he seems pretty happy without it though


Blogger Unknown said...

I was going to say exactly what B said, capri skins, how cute!!
My full length ones have me roasting so I will definitely looking at those :).


Blogger RunDave said...

Tofu definitely needs to be treated in some way before eating it either by marinading it or cokking it into something. Try marinading in soy sauce or Ketjap manis (sweet indonesian soy sauce) with some garlic and/or ginger for a few hours or o'night. Also you can try slicing it thin and putting it into a slice (a la zucchini slice r2b). Soyco make some really nice pre-marinaded tofu and there is also a nice smoked tofu available at many supermarkets. Sanitarium make some soy mince which is quite good for putting in spag bol or tacos etc. and they have make soy strips which are good for stir-fry (although I don't really like them that much). You could also go for felafel either premade or from packet mix, tempeh is another good soy product but needs flavouring, TVP can be added to just about anything in place of mince, and there are heaps of things you can do with beans especially in mexican and italian cooking.



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