
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Session tonight - 250, 500, 750, 750, 500, 250 mtre Pyramid, Ladder, Ziggurat session, one of my favorites regardless what it is called. Splits as follows
56 (250 mtre)
2:03 (500 mtre)
3:12 (750 mtre)
3:11 (750 mtre)
2:02 (500 mtre)
52 (250 mtre)
I was quite happy with tonight's effort, and I am starting to hang on closer to the back of the pack now as well.

Always a bit tired on Tuesday evenings so not really feeling very talkative and I always struggle to eat a proper dinner, just don't feel like it. Funny today, the nerves really started to set in for some reason, oh well, 2 weeks to go, better get used to it. Had a chat with TC about the taper over the next 2 weeks, all under control now.


Blogger Chris said...

Glad you have the taper sorted Em. Love the way Tim can make people feel relaxed before an event. Definitely a great person to have in your corner!


Blogger beakus said...

Oh Em, I know it's useless me saying this but don't be nervous! You absolutely rock this running malarky :oD

I hope you feel more like yourself tomorrow. I like the look of that session, though I think I'd find it sooo hard :o/



Blogger Vicky said...

The experience you gained last time will be so valuable and you know your strenghts so much better now. Yes, there will still be some nerves, but they will help carry you on the day. Just keep it as under control as poss for now and enjoy the taper!



Blogger Jaykay said...

At least you're all sorted with the taper thing.

I've got absolutely no idea what I'm doing, so just running at random...probably not the best build up to the 1/2, but that's just how things seem to work for me (or not!!).

Sounds like a good session.


Blogger Stu Mac said...

Nice consistent splits there Em, great to hear that the taper is all in control.

Have fun...

Thanks heaps for your PM this week!




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