
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Monday, September 18, 2006

The Queen of over reaction

Well, if over reaction were an olympic sport I'd be standing atop the podium, with my hand on my heart singing the national anthem. I hammered out the quickest 10Km training run I have ever done today, 49:35. I eased into the run for the first few Kms, just testing my foot, but by the time I got to Anderson Street I felt so fresh and just let my legs do what they wanted. Here are the splits
5:45 (easing into it)
5:18 (Anderson St leg, was pretty happy with that)
4:52 (dodging pedestrians)

You know some days you just feel totally on par, today was one of them, I reckon if I had have raced today I would have killed my 10Km PB. So what do you reckon the issue with my foot was? Thanks to several hours on Google I went to bed totally convinced I had managed to sustain a Metatarsal Stress Fracture, I was also a certified expert in all things foot related, Plantar Whatsit, Tendonitis, Metatarsalgia, Mortons Neuroma, Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome and Gout just to name a few. Curse the internet, it may have opened up the world but it also provides fertile breeding ground for the hypochondriac! Anyway, I am MORTIFIED to admit, after careful consideration that it may just have been a case of me having my shoe laces done up too tight, yep, you read correct! I have high arches, which does not help and I think that in securing my foot pod to my shoe I did the laces up too tight, add to that fact it was a warm morning which caused my feet to swell and there you have it, massive over reaction. Thanks for the support, and thanks to Michelle for the concerned SMS this morning, I promise never to cry wolf again - until the next time ;-)

Very happy to read this morning that Craig Mottram defended his 3000mtre title at the world cup athletics at the weekend, and also ran a PB, broke his Australian Record and the event Record, what a champ!

Finally got to meet another Ausrunner today, I had a lovely lunch with Boston at Cookie in Swanston Street. The do a fantastic steamed salmon with lemongrass and ginger, just about my favorite way of eating fish, especially with lot's of steamed rice. Poor Boston discovered the hard way that I tend to babble alot and pretty much speak without thinking, I hope I made some degree of sense today!

Here is the gorgeous Craig Mottram after his win at the weekend


Blogger Vicky said...

Phew! I'm so relieved for you Em!
This running thing sure is a constant learning curve...

Totally agree about the Internet, a handy tool indeed, but sometimes all that info is just too easy to come by!

Right, now I can go to bed and rest easy - just been working on my blog and couldn't log off without checking in to see if you'd updated! (Its 10pm here and I have some intervals to run tomorrow - got to get some sleep!)



Blogger Stu Mac said...

Nothing better than seeing the greatest runner of all time, Bekele, 4 seconds behind the almighty Craig 'Buster' Mottram!!!

Sounds like a good run today and can I suggest, just monitor the foot, just in case, its always better to be a little safe!



Blogger Jaykay said...

So glad to hear that the foot is okay.

And woo hoo to you for a great time today!!


Blogger MorseyRuns said...

Damn those laces- glad you are better and setting the Anderson Street hill on fire again.



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